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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Velvet: enters the bar in search of sugar
Joey (played by Jaws)

Joey pulled out his wallet. "How good are the chili dogs here?", he said to Mathius.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*He stared at the other people coming in and came down from his web once more to check out what was happening showing no interest in them but was a tad bit curious as his eyes darted around and his mandibles moved around as he was thinking to himself seeing if he wanted to even try interacting with the others or not*
The ant queen looks up, seeing the spider
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he looked at the queen unsure of what to do or if he should say something but he soon turned his back towards them ignoring them was his goal*
Joey (played by Jaws)

He started patting a rhythm on his thighs. Joey looked around at the other patrons of the bar.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he stared at the wall and then looked at Joey* "you seem new around here I guess why are you here for if I may ask you?"
Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

The Skitarii stares at the ant queen.
"What do you want?"
((Ignore this))
Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

Insectiod Queens wrote:
"What do you want?"

Joey (played by Jaws)

He smiled at Streak. "I am here for my lunch break, you?"
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he crossed his arms just watching the little interaction of them* “just here cause I want to”
Joey (played by Jaws)

"That's cool, dude", he said. Joey began patting his legs again, this time humming a song.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he soon started to hum since he had nothing else to do but soon rested his head on his arms*
Namarii (played anonymously)

Stands by the coffee bar and makes a blend of herbal tea. She then sits on a stool at the bar and looks over a star map while occasionally looking up at the food menu.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*be as curious as he was he went down and looked at the map wondering what the map was of anyways since he had not seen one before*
Namarii (played anonymously)

She glanced upward when she sees movement and then smiles soft as she sees his curious stare, "It's a celestial map. Some are complex where they map planets, nebula and galaxies. The ones I create are mappings of constellations that relate to their location. Very unique maps!" Her eyes lit with excitement as she talks about what she loves.
Grey (played by starwolf)

*he nodded his head and soon sat down in the floor looking up at it as his eyes studied each one slowly*
Namarii (played anonymously)

Smiles and slides the map over and explains a bit as best she can, "I'm studying a northern map right now, and their season is beginning to change so I'm working on mapping these stars and constellations, Cygnus, Delphinus, Vulpecula and Equuleus. Which are currently visible. I stargaze at midnight and record what I see." She smiles and swishes her slender white tail.

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