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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then entered the bar... with a sword impaled into his hat. "Yo yo, everyone."
Aunn looked over at the newcomers. "Hey! You can sit by me if you want!"
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

Akira raises her glass to Aunn and smiles, sliding over her way. "'ello! Don't mind if I do," she said, inclining her head. "Name's Akira. You?"
Aunn grinned. "I go by many names, but today, you can call me Kallista," she replied. She didn't appear in her true form, instead using the form of a beautiful female tiefling.
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

"Kallista," she said, wondering how her player was going to even remember that. "Okay, Kallista it is," she said.

"Why so many names?" she asked, taking a sip of her tea
Aunn laughed a little. "I doubt you'd understand, and you don't need to." She took a sip of her wine.
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

"Mmm hmmmm," Akira said. "Well, that was all I had as a conversation starter. Your turn."
"Well, where are you from, and what brings you here?"
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

Akira grinned. "I'm taking a break from my own Cafe and Inn to slum it, see how the usual folk live," she said, taking a look around the place. "This is actually quite impressive, not gonna lie."

She then inclined her head to Kall, "And you?"
Aunn shook her head. "You ever heard of Zobeck?" she asked. "It's really great this time of year."
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

Akira's ears perked up. "No? Zobeck?" she asked. "What's that? Sounds like a drink or a festival or...something."
Aunn laughed a little. "No, silly! It's a city, and quite a big one at that!"
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

"A city?" she asked. "Okay, what makes it stand out in your mind?"
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then pulls the sword out of his hat. "Yeesh. Wonder how i got this sword in my hat too..."
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

The fox woman looked over at Matt and quirked a grin. "Yeah, that's a good question to ask..." she commented.
Akira (played by AkiraDawn)

Everything grew suddenly quiet around Akira, as if time had stopped... She extricated herself from the conversation with Aunn / Kall who was freeze-framed in place, and withdrew giving the tiefling a pat on the shoulder. "This was just a dream," she whispered in her ear, then walked back to the bar where she dropped a few coins, then left.
Theo is still slumped on the sofa, silently grieving. This time of year was always difficult for him because it was when his mother died and he spent 3 months in a coma.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Theo Stark wrote:
Theo is still slumped on the sofa, silently grieving. This time of year was always difficult for him because it was when his mother died and he spent 3 months in a coma.

"Is everything alright, dear?", Azumi frowned out of worry.
Alice (played by Jaws)

The maiden lowered her sword and started to look around again. She approached the bar counter and dropped a red stained bag of coin on the counter. "Food..." The woman looked around for a table and spotted a lonely on near the corner. Turning back around, she said in a raspy voice, "Food and something to drink, particularly water."
As the maiden lowered her sword, the draconic human allowed her own guard to drop. Glancing around, she decided to take the pink haired lady up on her offer.

"Don't mind if I do." She said, pulling a chair aside to sit down by the two conversing women.

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