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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Yes, I can make some up for His Majesty" he said politely. He would grab a put to start warming up some honey.
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He sits and waits
Dobermann (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Dragons, now? I can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve seen all kinds of people.”
Bahamut wrote:
He sits and waits

He would emerge with the freshly made ambrosia on a plate with some peach slices as a garnish. "Ambrosia up!"
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

He eats it slowly
He wandered back into the kitchen
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

Wanders in, seeing her brother, they were currently at a truce so she wanders over "steak please"
"How would you like your steak?"
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

"Any particular cut?"
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

"Rib eye or tbone"
He went into the kitchen and he started the steak for her
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

She sits there, waiting as she stares at her brother
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan and Keye enters the place while SECRET just teleports inside.

Lockelan: "Hey guys."
Keye: "Sup."
SECRET: "Merasmus gaming mortals."
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

"Neither me nor my brother are mortals"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET: "No one asked you, you walking piece of SHI-" Lockelan just shoots SECRET in the back with a pistol.

SECRET: "What the hell, bro?!"
Lockelan: "Don't start a fight."
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Well, especially since those two are the gods of dragons"
Lion El'Jonson (played by randomentity777)

Tiamat wrote:
"Neither me nor my brother are mortals"

"Same for me and my brothers. Well, the ones that are still alive."
He emerged with three steak for Tiamat with grilled mushrooms on the side
Tiamat (played by Drake_Lie)

She would happily eat it all

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