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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He smiled and went back into the kitchen.
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

Pays for both he and his sisters meals
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan: "So, Keye. Since the three of us is here, i'd day that we invite some more people that we know in the Misty Forest."

Keye: "Well, i'm not a big fan of too much of chaos nowadays, but hey, if your cool with it, i'm cool with it too."
He was slicing some potato chips thin in order to start part of his lunch menu which would be potato cream soup, roasted chicken Monte Cristo sandwich, and fresh-made potato chips.
Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

*Bemused binary noises*
Mathius was writing down more soups to put on the menu for the fall.
Bahamut (played by Drake_Lie)

"I do not know many people who enjoy soup at places like this honestly"
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"It's a small world, as they say."
Hyrelios-32 (played by randomentity777)

"The size of a world can be attributed to many factors." Being a purpose bred cyborg soldier, Hyrelios often took phrases at face value.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*a small portal opened up as screeches and roars could be heard from the portal as a small boy with brown hair and a brown like reptile tail swayed about looking around the place* "hello?"
Mathius knew he entered and he spoke into the boy's mind "I'm in the kitchen. Sit wherever you want"
Benny (played by starwolf)

"AH what the heck!" *he looked around panicked but soon relaxed his shoulders and walked to a booth and crouched before jumping and climbing up in the booth* "this place seems nice and friendly but never been here before so a new Experience for me!" *he nodded his head and talked to him self for a bit cause he was just up to it*
He smiled and continued to speak "the menu is in front of you. Off to the left side. Welcome to Trixie's"
Benny (played by starwolf)

"ah thank you uh could I get maybe a small steak?"
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

Teriko would enter the bar, a cloak covering her body as she watched around the room with her sharingan, not mangekyou.. she doesnt wanna go blind afterall "Interesting.." she thought as she walked over to the counter and taking a seat
Star (played by Starphobia)

Star slowly trotted into the bar, glancing at everyone.

"How nice that everyone is having such fun." She purred. She jumped on a table and sat on it, her wings neatly folded over her back.
"Wouldn't hurt to sit back and relax and take a break from wandering." She decided.
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

Teriko stared at the cat.. checking if shes in some sort of weird genjutsu.. sadly shes not.. "Jesus.." she muttered, her voice quiet
Star (played by Starphobia)

Star caught sight of the young woman looking at her, and her face lit up.

"Hello there, young one." She meowed. She sat up and began to lick her paw. "Don't be shy to talk to me."
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

"You look stranger than my summoning animals.." she said "What are you anyways..?" She asked outloud
“Wouldn’t anyone look strange?”

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus