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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"made it myself" nepeta would grin
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he sat down on the floor grinning* “that’s cool I don’t know how to cook or anything since I just eat raw meat”
Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"I can teach yah! I love teaching people!"
Benny (played by starwolf)

“I don’t know how to use anything cause in my world we don’t cook we hunt our prey and just eat it all and bones!”
Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"In my world we have these big white creatures takin care of us!"
Benny (played by starwolf)

“That sounds so scary honestly I would be scary and my mom would probably would kill them ^^;
Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"mines is a big poofy cat. he's nice!"
Benny (played by starwolf)

“What are cats?”
Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"you don't know what a cat is?"
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he shook his head no*
Nepeta leijon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"c'mon i'll show you one!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi walked into the bar, holding a cat. The cat seemed to be understandably annoyed by Azumi, who is known to be annoying.

"Aw, Mr. Snuggles, you're so cute!", Azumi squealed and cuddled Mr. Snuggles
Explorer (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

explorer entered the bar, after Azumi, his fur matted in dirt from whatever misadventures he'd been on
He was whisking cream into the toasted sugar for the candies. He walked out and picked Azumi up and went back to work..
Explorer (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

explorer would sit down closest to the door, as he brushed twigs and leaves from his tail
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would approach explorer, offering a comb to make it easier
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

Teriko found herself practicing jutsu at the counter, using only her electric affinity, forming electric chakra in her hands and focusing using it like strings on her fingers.. she seemed to be having a bit of fun.
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

Zex wrote:
Zex would gently pet the cat, then pick it up and hugging it "its ok"

Kavern huffed once, letting his fur stand on end, but then relaxed.
Zex (played by Drake_Lie)

"Feeling better now?" Zex would smile softly as he kept petting kavern
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

"..." Kavern narrowed his eyes and leaped out of Zex's reach with a sharp hiss, then bounded away, out of sight.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus