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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

"Cats.." she thought as she sipped a drink, although clearly not from the bar itself, a milkshake-
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

Kavern glanced at Teriko, tilting his head to one side. He then motioned for Tuma to come follow him.

"Come on, now. Let's get the hell out of here."
Tuma (played anonymously)

"But everyone here seems so interesting, no, Lord Kavern?" Tuma smiled slyly. "Can't we stay here for just a little longer?"

His tail swished against the ground, creating a small spark.
Rain (played by Drake_Lie)

"Aren't you the bartender, can't you add milkshakes to the menu if you wanted"
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

Kavern stomped on Tuma's tail.

"Fine." He growled. "But I'm not talking to anyone."
Tuma (played anonymously)

Tuma's face fell. His usual cheerful and happy face became serious.

"You know... You need to socialise sometimes. Talk to someone! Make some friends!" Tuma's tail brushed against Kavern's. "Why don't you talk to someone? I'll let you decide who you want to talk to!" He smiled.

He then skipped over to Rain, grinning.

Benny (played by starwolf)

“Kavern it’s ok just relax remember think of good things!”
“Ahaha! It’s really amusing, watching things like this happen.”
He finished cleaning with help and he sat angrily at the bar
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Comes in with the usual shipment
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

"..." Kavern twitched an eye. "Good... Things.."
Benny (played by starwolf)

“At least be nice…and not get kicked out of the bar like my mom did-“
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm.. I could at milkshakes.. but that requires effort.." she said.. as she goes and crouches down the Squee "Wow.. literally all shapes and sizes.."
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

"Tuma. We've got to go." Kavern hissed impatiently, slapping him with his fluffy tail. "Master will be waiting."
Namarii (played anonymously)

Strolls through the doors, wry after a long journey. She drifts up to the counter and then sits down on a stool. Her robes drape and wisp the floor as she walks.
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Teriko Uchiha wrote:
"Hm.. I could at milkshakes.. but that requires effort.." she said.. as she goes and crouches down the Squee "Wow.. literally all shapes and sizes.."
"Jobs require effort Sweetheart, if you don't wanna do your job as a bartender, just tell Mathius and I'm sure he will let you go"
Squee wrote:
Teriko Uchiha wrote:
"Hm.. I could at milkshakes.. but that requires effort.." she said.. as she goes and crouches down the Squee "Wow.. literally all shapes and sizes.."
"Jobs require effort Sweetheart, if you don't wanna do your job as a bartender, just tell Mathius and I'm sure he will let you go"

"Nah, she's just new. Anyway, I need to order a new fridge along with 100 pounds each of ground beef, ribs, pork steaks, and chicken, along with 75 pounds of various steaks"

He brings her the money order to pay for this shipment.
Benny wrote:
“At least be nice…and not get kicked out of the bar like my mom did-“

"Your mother destroyed my fridge and ate all my product. I can't serve several different dishes until I get the order I just put in with my merchant. I can't order from anyone else because 1. we have a contract with her and 2. nobody can beat her prices"
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

She gives him all the goods, feeling lucky she came when she did as she takes her payment
"So you had everything I needed......very nice! I'm back in business"

He grabbed a second money order and gave it to her "I saw you clip one of my salt shakers" he said laughing

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