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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He came in and made his way to the kitchen
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak thought about this for a moment.

Are you any good at poker?
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: uh well ill admit im not the greatest but im always happy to try and larn it more is that what you want to play * i said curesly *
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak nodded, taking the cards and shuffling them.

What do you normally like to play when you play this game?
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: ehter black jack or garbage are my top favorite poker is thried up i enjoy it i just have trouble keeping track of everything hehe if that makes sence * he said as chuckled a little *
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

(I play a crap ton of poker so I understood none of this)
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( like what do you mean youve never played black jack or garbage ?
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

( I have never played garbage, but I do play blackjack)
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

(Poker is my game of choice though)
Benny (played by starwolf)

“Good thing I don’t want to try that weird drink!” *benny soon looked around wanting to make or do something as he sighed playing with some old napkins he had found*
He started making a custard pie willing with chocolate and one with toasted coconut
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak set down the cards and walked over to Mathius.
He communicated to Chak-tha "welcome. Come on in the kitchen and join me"
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak-tha slowly entered the kitchen, chittering softly to herself. She watched Mathius, looking interested in what he was doing.
He was mixing the sugar, eggs, and powdered coconut for the coconut custard. He had the heavy cream and eggs to the side.
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak grabbed an empty bowl with her secondary arms and began to (unsuccessfully) attempt to make custard as well.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he soon perked up and immediately went to the kitchen poking his head in curious but didn't move from the door just wanting to watch and not mess anything up since they both looked like they were working hard on what they were making*
Rain (played by Drake_Lie)

Rain would sit next to mathius
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max got up as well made his way to the kitchen * max: huh not bad of a kitchen
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Drags him out of the kitchen "you can only be back there if you have permission"

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