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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall didn't even bat an eye at Fake Peppino eating the bucket.

..Verfall was known to eat rotting meat out of dumpsters, so..
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino then spits the bucket at Verfall. "THIS BUCKET TASTES LIKE P*SS." >:C
Kitsunami (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

kitsunami flinched at fake peppino's yelling
Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall was soon whacked in the face with the bucket. His wings whipped out, fluttering annoyed.
"What the hell was that for?!" He snapped. He sighed and then scratched at his rash on his nose. "Oh for.. whatever, whatever."

Ignoring what just happened, he asked, no one specifically.
"Does this place serve meat? Preferably about.. a week old? Left out of the freezer maybe?" He muttered.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Sorry-" Fake Peppino would say quickly. :C
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Kitsunami wrote:
"..." Kitsunami continued his mumbling, looking at axo and oniyan as he did so

"Hi fox pup boy!"
Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall noticed a nearby trashcan, so he made his way towards it and began digging around in it, his wings fluttering.
Verfall (played anonymously)

He pulled out a half-eaten piece of meat that looked to have sat there for a few days, sniffed it and then took a bite out of it.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he soon sniffed the meat scent and poked his head by the meat looking at it curiously* “can I have some…?”
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi begins to nom nom nom on a piece of fried tofu.
Axo (played by Reithesniper)

Teriko brought Axo some breadsticks.. honestly breadsticks kept her occupied not cause shes an axolotl, its because shes one of my characters, and breadsticks canonically distract all of my characters (minus Teriko, its rice for her, specially because breadsticks arent her style and I like rice)
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

Kavern walked over to Kitsunami and sat beside them.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked. "So am I."

He wrapped his tail around his paws.
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi begins to nom nom nom on a piece of fried tofu.

Fumizuki looks over at Azumi. "Can I have some too, please?"
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Everyone would then hear a knock until the door then opens. Here, we can see a mysterious fighter who goes by the name Oswald "Ozzy" Brown... but most people just calls him Ozzy because it's a short and simple name that's pretty much easy to announce. He would then look around at the lively bar before sitting down on a chair, spinning his hat. "...Quite lovely here."
Verfall (played anonymously)

(( @starwolf: Sorry for not replying, I had already went offline by the time you replied. :( ))
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Saiken proceeds to flatten this man, riding on her tail like a boat, she gained quite the speed, and barely realized she flattened him-
Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall was lazily laid out in one of the booths, eating a old piece of sausage he had found, that most likely had mold on it.

He watched all the variety of people entering the bar with narrowed eyes.
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

Zoomy zoom zooms over to Verfall, stopping and staring at the sausage "Ew.." she said
Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall glanced at Saiken, then grinned, revealing his sharp teeth. "I feel it's safe to assume you don't want me to share it?" He snickered.

He kicked his legs up onto the table and stared at her, "What do you want from me."
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

"Wanted to know why your eating moldy food.. thats just gonna make you sick-" she said, as she caused the sausage to escape his grasp... floating on bubbles "How would you even eat this-" she stuck out her tongue

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