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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Verfall (played anonymously)

Verfall scrambled out of the booth seat, "Hey!" He snarled.
"I'm a demon, it's not gonna make me sick!" He attempted to try and get the sausage back.
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

"A demon, are you one of those basically immortal ones then?-" she asked lowering it enough to allow him to grab it
Verfall (played anonymously)

He grabbed it, "Yeah pretty much." He held it in his hands as if it was a treasure no one else could get.

Then he put the whole thing in his mouth and ate it. "What the hell are you, huh?" He looked her up and down. "You ain't no human, not that I've seen."
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Ozzy would then look over towards the two with a confused expression. He then looks up at his hat then back to the two that is talking. All he fan do at this point is tip his hat low. But something about the hat feels... off. Hmm.

(ahem. spelling errors)
Surge (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

surge had kicked the door open, laughing like a maniac as she did so
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Ozzy then quickly catches the door before it accidentally hits someone. He then sets the broken door down to the floor. "Was the door kick really nessesscary?"
Surge (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"yes. yes it was." surge had grabbed kitsunami, another visitor of the bar, by the water pack he wore, dragging him inside
Kitsunami (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"surge can you not make a scene when you enter places?"
Saiken (played by Reithesniper)

"I am, Saiken, I dont know much about my race , I just know we specialized in water based chakra so my bubbles really arent something unique to me-"
Surge (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

surge had placed kitsunami down in a chair
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

He would then sigh in annoyance before going to go fix the door. It's kinda his first time fixing a door but don't worry. There's like a 79% chance that he won't screw it up.
Kitsunami (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

he went to go help ozzy
Lonronago (played anonymously)

After leaving the ocean, he comes in to take a look around this place he's never seen or heard of before.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he soon jumped up and grabbed the sausage with his mouth grinning* “mine now hehe!”
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Ozzy would then drop a screw. "Ah dammit." Ozzy then picks up the crew as he returns back to screwing the bolts in for the door. He would then yawn and stretch as he spins his hat with his other hand.
He poked his head out of the kitchen whist whisking a bowl. He was making a béchamel for the lasagne special tomorrow. He would dip back into the kitchen.
Verfall wrote:
He grabbed it, "Yeah pretty much." He held it in his hands as if it was a treasure no one else could get.

Then he put the whole thing in his mouth and ate it. "What the hell are you, huh?" He looked her up and down. "You ain't no human, not that I've seen."

He came out of the kitchen "three Italian sausages at the pass" before vanishing back into the kitchen. Before he did, he grabbed 3 ½ cups of white wine and left a note for the bartender Teriko:

"It's Mathius. I took 3 ½ cups of wine for to make a reduction.
Teriko Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

"Huh.. so thats where it went.." she muttered "Mathius!" She called "Can you make me something too?" She would ask "Ill pay if nessarary!"
Kavern (played by Starphobia)

Kavern's eye twitched as he watched the others.
Kitsunami (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

kitsunami had been sitting with surge, who was shouting at him for an unknown reason

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