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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Teriko Uchiha wrote:
"Huh.. so thats where it went.." she muttered "Mathius!" She called "Can you make me something too?" She would ask "Ill pay if nessarary!"

"Sure. I'll make you some Singaporean-style noodles"
Jayson 'crybaby' cruiz (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

jayson had been flipping through an old marvel comic
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he tilted his head* “what’s with all the new people all around here?”
"I don't know."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Benny wrote:
*he tilted his head* “what’s with all the new people all around here?”

"I'll have you know I have been visiting this place for a few months now!", Azumi said proudly as she smiled at Benny, as if that was somehow an accomplishment someone her age should achieve.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"For better... or worse", Ren scowled, which caused Azumi to scold him

"What do you mean 'for worse'?", She said to Ren sternly.

"You weren't as unpredictable back then. Nowadays, you literally have the humor of the average Team Fortress 2 player"

"So? It means I'm adapting to this generation's humor!"
Fumizuki stares at Azumi and Ren in confusion.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*he also watched and looked at the girl* “want to be friends?”
Star (played by Starphobia)

"Glad to see everyone is making friends here." Star smiled. She glanced at Kavern. "... Almost... Everyone."
Chiron (played by Reithesniper)

"Ozzy..?" She said walking in with a half eaten turkey sandwhich.. with that look on her face this.. is not good
Chiron is currently angry, very angry
Benny wrote:
*he also watched and looked at the girl* “want to be friends?”

He came in and sat down tired. He had smoke coming off of his body.
Fumizuki stares at Drael in confusion. "What's with the smoke?"
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Chiron wrote:
"Ozzy..?" She said walking in with a half eaten turkey sandwhich.. with that look on her face this.. is not good
Chiron is currently angry, very angry
Ozzy would then look over to the side, noticing Chiron before leaning up from his seat, with a confused expression. "Yup. And you are... Chiron, right?"
Chiron (played by Reithesniper)

"EXACTLY!" said appearing infront of him, with a half eaten sandwhich... she sighed "Nevermind, Let me join your party" she said
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Ozzy would then think for a moment, spinning his hat with his finger. "Hmm.. Yeah, i don't really mind anyone joining my team as long they don't try to friendly fire..."
Chiron (played by Reithesniper)

"Whatever you say man!" She said sitting down and continuing to eat her sandwhich

Chilled! appeared over Chrions head as she calmed down
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"So. Anything you would do for fun, Chiron?" Ozzy would ask putting the hat on before raising a brow to her, wondering if she does have anything to do for fun.
Chiron (played by Reithesniper)

"Training mostly; medical training" she said, as aura appeared in her hand, "I just use peoples own aura to heal them"
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"Wait, hold on. You use people's auras to heal them? That's pretty cool!" Ozzy nods in admiration.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

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