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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Hallie, Lockelan and SECRET would then be playing UNO until Keye just bursted in, with a mischievious look on his face.

Keye: "Hey, SECRET? I got something for ya!"
SECRET: "I got a bad feeling about thi-"
Keye: "HEADS UP!"
Suddenly, Keye then splashed SECRET with a random gender swapping potion!
And before SECRET could finish his... well, her sentence, SECRET would now poof into a female.
SECRET: "I. Hate. You."

F2-F3610-D-77-AB-49-D0-BAE6-5-C8-AAFEBB8-A6.jpg (Yeah, i had to insert the img :P)
((Chat is now filled with ded.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi revives the chat with divine magic.

"It's.... ALIVE!", She squeals and giggles in glee
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"Guess this place is still alive and kickin'."
He would enter the kitchen to begin making breakfast
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

"Does this saloon have a bath?", Percy said to Mathius.
"In the rooms out back. Each rented room comes with two free meals made by me." He said with a polite smile
Diana (played anonymously)

And Diana runs in.. before collapsing in some "Wish" generated sun beams.. Wish didnt bother to mover her but gently tries brushing her away with a broom, to keep her out of the way of the customers
He would go and pick Diana up and set her in a booth so she could rest.
Diana (played anonymously)

Welp Diana didnt mind being moved, after all shes lazier than me, and thats a stretch "Mmm booth:
although not in sunbeams she quite comfortable
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"In the rooms out back. Each rented room comes with two free meals made by me." He said with a polite smile

Percy frowned when he couldn't find any money on his person. He pat himself frantically trying to find his wallet. "I ain't got any money on me. Are you willing to bargain instead?", he asked. "I can lend my mare, Miss Molly to you." Ironically, the lad sported a hoove shaped bruise on his face and was missing a tooth.
Anakisuto wrote:
Percy wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"In the rooms out back. Each rented room comes with two free meals made by me." He said with a polite smile

Percy frowned when he couldn't find any money on his person. He pat himself frantically trying to find his wallet. "I ain't got any money on me. Are you willing to bargain instead?", he asked. "I can lend my mare, Miss Molly to you." Ironically, the lad sported a hoove shaped bruise on his face and was missing a tooth.

He shook his head "do me a favor, and I'll give you a room for a week"

He passed the man a list "go pick these things up for me, and I'll give you a room for a week. Everything is already paid for"

-Dough hook for a mixer
-new metal stand mixer mixing bowl
-Xanathan gum
-10 pounds of corn flour
-wooden spatula
-3 alcohol bottle nozzles
-Knife sharpener
-10 pounds of apples
-10 pounds of chicken breasts
-5 pound block of parmesean cheese
-1 pound garlic
-20 pounds of rice
-box of children's napkins
-case of vodka
-case ginger ale
-case of Grenadine syrup

"Go pick up my order and I'll take care of you. If anyone asks, let them know I gave permission. There might also be a few dollars in it for you"
Squee (played by Drake_Lie)

Would drop off the supplies in the kitchen
Diana (played anonymously)

Diana causally stumbles to the counter, just happy for some odd reason "Oh wow-" she mutters to herself all excited like "Man..." she said wondering what she could order.. this was solved by Teriko placing a large cup of honey (Normally used for that Ant queen, I believe) infront of her.. which Diana seemed to accept happily
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Percy wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"In the rooms out back. Each rented room comes with two free meals made by me." He said with a polite smile

Percy frowned when he couldn't find any money on his person. He pat himself frantically trying to find his wallet. "I ain't got any money on me. Are you willing to bargain instead?", he asked. "I can lend my mare, Miss Molly to you." Ironically, the lad sported a hoove shaped bruise on his face and was missing a tooth.

He shook his head "do me a favor, and I'll give you a room for a week"

He passed the man a list "go pick these things up for me, and I'll give you a room for a week. Everything is already paid for"

-Dough hook for a mixer
-new metal stand mixer mixing bowl
-Xanathan gum
-10 pounds of corn flour
-wooden spatula
-3 alcohol bottle nozzles
-Knife sharpener
-10 pounds of apples
-10 pounds of chicken breasts
-5 pound block of parmesean cheese
-1 pound garlic
-20 pounds of rice
-box of children's napkins
-case of vodka
-case ginger ale
-case of Grenadine syrup

"Go pick up my order and I'll take care of you. If anyone asks, let them know I gave permission. There might also be a few dollars in it for you"

"Bless your heart!" Percy ran out of the saloon quickly with the list in his grip. He hopped on his mare. "Alrighty, girl. We are going to pick up some things", he said to Miss Molly. With one giddyup, the pair rode towards their destination.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Suddenly, both Keye and SECRET gets into a fightball for only ONE reason. Ahem, Keye just gender swapped SECRET because he thought it was funny, but SECRET however didn't think it was funny. Keye's having a good time and laughing while fighting with SECRET though.

Keye: "HAAAAAAAAAAA- Cmon, SECRET! Don't take things so personal, it's just making me laugh now!"

And meanwhile, Hallie and Lockelan is just watching this fight go down in confusion.
Terio Uchiha (played by Reithesniper)

Terio casually fires a stream of flames at the leaving them covered in soot as she sighed, and sipped her sake "If Im right were not supposed to fight here yall"

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