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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Quite interesting " she said quietly as she snapped out of her daydream, "Having someone to inspire and give you hope is good, always helps, he sounds strong, bringing victory to humanity.. surely he must be a powerful sorcerer" she said, still unaware other worlds dont reflect hers, she got the memo this wasnt a normal place.. she just didnt know to much about multiverse theory
Mathius went back into the kitchen. He kissed the picture of his lover Astoria and smiled before going back to work.
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

"Mind if I put this stuff away for you?", Percy asked Mathius. The suite 5 key was put away in his pocket. "Also, I should put up a warning somewhere for Miss Molly." He then pauses for a moment and begins to speak again, "She is a kicker and might hurt someone expect for other animals and children."
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Nemuru is Nemuruing.. daydreaming while wishing she was someone else, she seemed to be enjoying her mid-day daydream
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

Percy smiled and waved at Nemuru. On the second note, I could check if there are any bandit camps around here.*
(( *Note: This is just his thought. ))
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

She snapped out of it rather quickly, and waved back "Did you day something?" , she said not wanting to seem like she didnt hear the man while she was daydreaming, so it was best to check
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

Percy turned his attention back to Nemuru. "Nah. I just waved, m'am", he said.
(( Yo, is this Soul or Rei? I am right now confused. ))
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

(Im the dumb one, so Rei :) )

"Oh, well hello!" She said, a smile on her face, wasnt wide but a smile is a smile
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

(( Nah, I am right now running on a single brain cell. ))
"I hope I didn't disturb your daydreaming", Percy said.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* after max was done fixing his water heater at his house he dicided to go to the bar to relive his mind not caring to clean himself up or anything and went and enters the bar with a lot joint in his mouth and took a seat at the bar table * max: fuuuuuuck me that was horseshit
Max wrote:
* after max was done fixing his water heater at his house he dicided to go to the bar to relive his mind not caring to clean himself up or anything and went and enters the bar with a lot joint in his mouth and took a seat at the bar table * max: fuuuuuuck me that was horseshit

((Max, you could get a warning or trouble for swearing in public threads. Usually, people censored it or get creative with it.))
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi starts playing some sort of Emo song by the Used. Her son tends to listen to emo and pop punk, giving her the inspiration to play it on her mini electric guitar... a side effect of the songs she started playing is that she now knows how to do a metal scream. A very high pitched one at that.

"SHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!", Azumi said in an attempt to copy Billie Joe Armstrong's scream from the song Letterbomb.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren joins in on his mother's performance, playing a fender bass guitar.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( my bad I can edit it if ya want )
After Azumi and Ren, he emerged from the kitchen and started singing a Lorna Shore song called "Of the Abyss"
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Dont worry, I dont daydream about anything important reallt!" She said resting her head on the counter
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

"I have always admire dreamers." Percy leaned against the bar counter near Nemuru. He was behind the bar counter too. "It is fascinating how they could just escape the bounds of reality even if for just few seconds", he added with a clear tone of admiration in his voice. "Now excuse me, m'am. I smell a bit funky from my adventures", Percy said. He walked away from the bar counter and went towards suite 5. Percy had been anticipating for a nice, warm bath for quite a while.
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Nemuru really spent like 10 minutes processing what just happened... yeeah shes confused now.. but shes kinda ok with it, just confused "What the [CENSORED] just happened" she mutters
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

(( Nemuru is a whole mood for real lol. ))
After a bit, Percy walks back into the bar. He had changed into a simple long-sleeved cotton shirt and some trousers. He walks straight up to a bulletin board and takes a nail from his pocket. Percy pins a paper that reads, "My mare, Miss Molly, is outside as of now. Any adults beware though, she will kick if ya are too close to her. Children and animals are okay though. Sincerely, Percy Flores."

He also made sure to take any bullets from his revolver and place them into his room. Percy goes to sit beside Nemuru and look around for a second. "I will take fresh fruit specifically any figs or papaya", he said.
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Nemuru looks to be daydreaming about something, but seems to snap back to reality on her own, gently knocking onnthe counter, she was thinking about something she found rather interesting, she wanted to try and do a black flash, of course it wasnt something she could just learn, but she's read about it.. at least a little bit, but that was an endeavor for home.

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