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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* After Max was done fixing his water heater at his house he dicided to go to the bar to relive his mind not caring to clean himself up or anything and went and entered the bar with a lit joint in his mouth and took a seat at the bar table * max: uuugggghhh my weekend sucked * he said tierdly *
Smiley (played anonymously)

The Code Mistake appears, looking around curiously at the other patrons.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan would then be on the phone, talking to someone as he watches over Keye and SECRETTE in case the two would start fighting (which is very often from now on).

Lockelan: "Hey, Moven and Rina. Come over to this place right quick, there is something that i needa talk to you about."
Moven: "Seriously? Alright, i'll tell Rina to come over and we'll be here in no time. Just hang tight."
Rina could be heard laughing in the background in the phone call. Maybe she's laughing at someone? No clue...
(Small Fun Fact: Moven and Rina is being added soon, although it's a WIP.)
Smiley (played anonymously)

Smiley walked over to Lockelan, his phone cutting out and disconnecting, a side effect of being near the Code Mistake. "Whatcha doing?" She asked
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan turns to Smiley with a raised brow as he sets the phone away.
Lockelan: "Just calling a few friends of mine over here. Why?"
Suddenly, Keye and SECRET started fighting while Lockelan's back is turned! I swear, the two's fighting always begins when Lockelan is not looking at em.
Smiley (played anonymously)

She shrugged, and then her attention snapped to the conflict. She hated shouting and arguments, and she wanted it to stop.

"Please.. stop." She said quietly.
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Nemuru is drenched in bordem, still nothing to do.. kinda hoping theres trouble.. maybe a curse would be nice
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Lockelan would then groan in annoyance before tossing a stone at both SECRET and Keye's head, donking them both.
Lockelan: "I would appriciate it if you guys would stop fighting! Besides, i heard mathius already telling you two to stop fighting from now on!"
Both SECRET and Keye lowered their fists and just looks away from each other. As Lockelan just sighs as he thinks of something to make the two stop fighting every time his back is turned, he then thinks of an idea.
Lockelan: "Okay Keye and SECRET, i want you guys to do me a favor right quick. But first, let's talk about why you guys are always fighting.
Lockelan then sits down on a chair, getting ready to talk the two in a professional manner.
Smiley (played anonymously)

Smiley left them, already bored.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET then sighs.
SECRET: "Okay, so. I was minding my business talking to you and Hallie until, Keye showed up with a gender-swapping potion. He did warn me to watch out, but I wasn't paying too much attention to him, then the potion splashed me, swapping my gender into a female all because of MOVEN who just dared Keye to do this to me!"
Keye: "No hard feelings though, right?- Ehehe-"
Keye laughed a bit nervously, putting a arm behind his head, but SECRET just sighs and just calmly flips Keye off.
Keye: "Guess that's a no. :C"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max noticed nemuru and dicided to go and start a conversation * max: howdy there friend couldent help but see the bordem on your face * he chuckled a little *
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

She nodded "Thanks for noticing, talking is quite fun.. especially nice to talk to people in my profession" she smiled.. well at least shes sure hes not a sorcerer-
The smells of tonkotsu broth wafted from the kitchen.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: profession huh and what would that be oh and sorry the name is max it’s a plesuee to meet ya * he said holding his hand out for a handshake with a warm smile*
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Annndd Nemuru is interested in the smell of Ramen, shes wide awake now "Im technically not supposed to talk about it but who actually cares" she says looking around "Im a jujitsu sorcerer, I kill cursed spirits for a living, and Im mostly happy you cant see them" she smiles
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: oh wow so your like a killing ghost buster in a way * he laughed a little as he smelled the ramen * max: man that smells amazing want me to order us some * he said with a smile *
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"No thanks, Ill order my own" she smiles "And yeah, I guess we are sort of like them.. " she said, wishing all the "ghost" werent actually trying to kill her and other sorcerers-
He was cutting up seaweed for the tonkotsu.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Nemuru Karashima wrote:
"No thanks, Ill order my own" she smiles "And yeah, I guess we are sort of like them.. " she said, wishing all the "ghost" werent actually trying to kill her and other sorcerers-

Max: well I mean I can if you want really and do the ghost or spirit stuff bother a lot couse I mean I have something could maybe ease your mind in a way * he said curesly to see what you would say *
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"The ghost stuff isnt as childish as you think" she said,"but sure, Ill take something to take me off the edge"

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