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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: well when did I say it was childish * he chuckled but then pulls out a joint * max: you ever smoke befor I understand if you haven’t but it helps me with stuff and we’ll it helps me not think of my shitty father * he chuckled a little *
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Eh.. no thanks, ive heard its a bad habbit, I dont need anymore if those" she said waving away the joint "Besides, Id just have regrets after for doing so" she said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: hehe alright Ronald ragen * he teased a little * max: then how about a couple of shots then I mean we are i. A bar arnt we
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Nah, my abilities reflect off of scars, not addiction"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: so then what’s something that’ll get your mind off those scars and all that’s why me personally pot helps with my scars
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"I mean" she said "All of mine are literal, its not like I have bad parents" she said with a smile still on her face, I mean she wasnt lying to him-

"But if I were to think about it, I dont know anything other than daydreaming.." she said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: well then what do you say dream about and I get that I was just trying to find a way to relate if that makes sense
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Living as anyone other than me, I know some powerful people.. I wish I could get that strong some times"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: well I don’t know I mean probably you’d like the way I live I just smoke pot and give people advice or I act like a tharipist in a way * he chuckled as he looked at her intrigued at your answer
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish is currently sweeping out the pumpkin seeds falling out of the door my characters always seems to come from "Christ.
Pumpkin flavored madness" he mutters, mostly Halloween based swears, under his breath out of anger
He chuckled at his son.
Diana (played anonymously)

Diana is munching on a bowl of pumpkin seeds, she doesnt even think they're good, shes just eating to eat
He takes the seeds from Diana and replaces it with a plate of onion rings and a toasted roast beef sandwich with a dipping sauce. "Try that...."
Diana (played anonymously)

Diana is suddenly much happier.. "Oooo sandwich" she said smiling "Thank you sir!" She said putting hands to her cheeks and beginning to eat the sandwich, her pace much slower, as to show her appreciation, instead of snarfing it down
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Manico walks in, in her transformed state, carrying a woman by the head, who was actively struggling, Manico begins to tell her off before sitting her down and telling to "Behave" the saiyan woman sat down next to the younger saiyan groaning as she detransformed
Pumpkin the saiyan (played by Reithesniper)

The Saiyan woman sighed, as she was forcefully sat in a chair, call it a punishment for destroying the city Manico was resting at, muttering swears under her breath as she tried not to look anybody in the eyes, calling her embarrassed was an understatement
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* Max noticed the two women who had just entered and he decided to go and greet them * max: howdy there ladies what brings you here * he said taking a seat next to them
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

"The Brats name is pumpkin; I am Manico" she nodded her head, the younger saiyan woman dressed up like a cave man simply grunted, while looking angry
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: hehe well why is she a brat she club someone to death * he said jokingly *
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

"Hm.. something like that, blew up a city, nearly cut her tail off she wouldnt calm down" she said picking her up again, which she utterly passed out while being picked up by the tail, "She was trapped in ice for a loonngg time, she's quite strong tho... not compared to me at least-"

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