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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

“If that’s what people call weapons nowadays, I’m a little concerned.”
Max wrote:
* max then would have a big toothy grin * max: hehe I love my self a good bargen so deal * i said holding out my hand shaking the women’s *

Smiling, she returns the hand shake, outright ignoring the open opposition that was Mathius's rule. "It was a pleasure doing business with you."

After receiving the requested goods and giving the record player in return, she stored her haul under the table. She did not see what other people saw in drugs, but they liked them, and in turn bought them. She did not question it.

Deciding that Nemura was still browsing, she scanned the room. The reds of her eyes locked onto Azathoth, and froze.

Something about him was. . . Strange to her.

How interesting.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Lappland Saluzzo wrote:
“If that’s what people call weapons nowadays, I’m a little concerned.”
"I'm afraid they still call these things weapons.. I mean, that's just stupid, it's literally a giant ass fork with a impaled lava slime on it."
Azathoth (played anonymously)

Dont mind him, he walks up and drops a black sphere on the table.. its a tattered version of a nightmare realm.. hes kinda trying to get what he can before it explodes '
"I... see you have a unique item to offer here." Isa stated, slightly perturbed. How long had it been since she had seen someone eldritch and ineffable like she had once been? A millenia? Eons? She couldn't remember.

She studied the ball of pure horror on her table. The retired deity used to be able to make these in her sleep. Quite literally. She would awake and one would be there, creating chaos and mayhem. She had not made one in a while, but she probably could if given the time and room.

Isa shrugged. It would make a good snack later.

"What about . . . ?" A hand hovered over the various goods she had available, before settling on the orange semitranparent sphere. Presenting it, she continued. "This? It has seven stars in it. A lucky number in some cultures! I believe it is called a. . . Lizard Sphere? No. Dinosaur Orb? No, no, no."

A brief moment of contemplation, then she raised a finger in the air. "Ah, eureka! A Dragon Ball! Yes. That's what this is."
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then turns to Isa before eating a cloudberry, wondering what in the hell she is doing, but he honestly didn't care much so he didn't ask what's going on since this is none of his business. "Meh. Bet there's nothing interesting happening."

Azathoth (played anonymously)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
"I... see you have a unique item to offer here." Isa stated, slightly perturbed. How long had it been since she had seen someone eldritch and ineffable like she had once been? A millenia? Eons? She couldn't remember.

She studied the ball of pure horror on her table. The retired deity used to be able to make these in her sleep. Quite literally. She would awake and one would be there, creating chaos and mayhem. She had not made one in a while, but she probably could if given the time and room.

Isa shrugged. It would make a good snack later.

"What about . . . ?" A hand hovered over the various goods she had available, before settling on the orange semitranparent sphere. Presenting it, she continued. "This? It has seven stars in it. A lucky number in some cultures! I believe it is called a. . . Lizard Sphere? No. Dinosaur Orb? No, no, no."

A brief moment of contemplation, then she raised a finger in the air. "Ah, eureka! A Dragon Ball! Yes. That's what this is."
"Dragon Ball... well I could return it to its original Universe.. or drain it of its power" he thought for a while "Eh, why not Ill take it its a deal" he said offering his hand smiling
"Ah, that's right. It is from another universe. . ." She squinted at the ball, then at the hand offered in front of her, then the hand's owner. "How exactly did you know that, traveler? Have you seen Dragon Balls before?"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"I dreamt of them" he said chuckling "Still cant really tell the difference between 6 and 7 stars, I was given terrible vision in this body" he said, as the dragon ball collasped being pulled into his pocket dimension.. man those things are useful
Ah, yes. Dreaming. Something Isa had not allowed herself to do since she constructed this new body of hers to live in, mostly in part that doing so meant listening to the prayers of those who worshiped her. It had distracted her at first from living the life she had realized she wanted: To be a merchant, selling little inane things like Dragon Balls for her own amusement.

"It seems like vision is the least of your worries in that body." Isa noted. Her eyes rested on the damage slowly regenerating. She picked up the ball of nightmares and sunk her teeth into it. The instability in its form faded immediately, and with a nasty crunch akin to breaking glass, she took a chunk out of it. Hundreds of tiny, muted screams within were silenced in an instant. She chewed it with an air of casualness, as if it were a piece of an apple.
Azathoth (played anonymously)

He tilts his head "Call me wrong.. but you feel familiar... " he said.. assuming his picked out human form, as his body changed in an instant, be leaned ofer the table "Isa is a familiar name, but yet again Ive heard it an infinite amount of time anyways"
The woman swallowed her chunk of vileness and went to go for another bite. She paused when Azathoth voiced his question. With her present grin growing slightly larger, she asked one of her own. "How familiar does Isa Lingworth sound, then? Hmm?" She spoke as if addressing much younger than herself, even though they both appeared the same age. In reality, if this person was exactly who she could recall, she was indeed older by a couple billion eons.
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"A tad bit familiar, how about Azathoth?" He said, although knowing her in the sense of he has met her before.. is he fresh on her nope.. not particularly anyways... ok Im just messing with you, of course he should technically know her.. but for the sake of him having been a asleep most of this time.. hes not even aware of most of his children-

(Gently sweeping Omnipotence under rug)
Azathoth. Yes, that name had been throw around in many circles back home. The merchant personally had never cared to learn much about fellow denizens beyond the veil. Instead she had focused on herself, namely piercing said veil to enter another universe. Ah, memories of when she was more naive. She had wanted to conquer a dimension, become its master in full, only to find that the reward was an utter snorefest.

As for the being before her, what she could recall was either flattering or not. Mostly not. "The Father of All," "Blind Idiot God," and the one that had made her amused at the time, "Azathoughtless." The youth had a very strange way of name calling back then, did they not? Isa wondered if they still did.

"I do recognize the name. What about Iszaling'torth, then?"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Azathoughtless, good one" he said laughing "And yes" he said, chuckling , stuffing down his laugh from earlier "Yes Ive heard of a youth like you before, something about conquering a dimension?" He said, laughing at her for wasting time
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi reentered Trixie's Bar only to find that she sensed something was... off. Being a zenko, she should be able to detect evil demons and the like when it was present. This presence she felt was rather strange. It was something eldritch in nature.

She followed the source of whatever she sensed, which only led her to a merchant and something else that she could not describe. It was nonetheless a God, however she could not determine if the God was benevolent.

"H-hi...", Azumi smiled nervously at Azathoth, "Why is it that I sense something off with this merchant?"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

Azathoth sighed "Sup" he said waving to her "Ive been here before Azumi, besides Im no threat to you" he smiled, trying to let her know its A-okay
Her eyes narrowed at Azathoth's reply, frowning for the first time tonight. A mind reader, then? Fine. "I'm not a youth, Azathoth. You were a practically an infant when I breached the veil. And I did conquer a dimension, by the way. Being an overlord merely turned out to be boring." Taking another bite of the ball of nightmares, she continued. "How did you get the title "Father of All," anyway? You certain aren't my_"

She froze when she abruptly noticed Azumi approaching. Turing away from the crowd, she unhinged her jaw, shoving the rest of the ball down her throat. Closing it, she turned back and put on her best friendly grin. Well, as friendly as a smile with hundreds of needle-like teeth could be. "Welcome to Isa's Brazaar! Would you like anything today, ma'am?"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Well if you come from the void, of course Im not your father.. Im just the father of the ones more well known by humans, like my dear Cxaxukluth!" He said smiling "And my great-great grandson Chutulu!"

"Besides.. Im also related to Yog-Sothoth, Im like 90% sure thats where it comes from"
He stared at Azathoth for a few seconds and held up a finger before shaking his head and sighing as he grumbled and returned to the kitchen.

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