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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Mathius!" He said, his skull fully intact now as he waved.. but when he opened his eyes Mathius had done retreated into the kitchen
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then reform in a random location of the bar, then he just starts to follow Mathius. "Ay bro, wait for me-"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Her eyes narrowed at Azathoth's reply, frowning for the first time tonight. A mind reader, then? Fine. "I'm not a youth, Azathoth. You were a practically an infant when I breached the veil. And I did conquer a dimension, by the way. Being an overlord merely turned out to be boring." Taking another bite of the ball of nightmares, she continued. "How did you get the title "Father of All," anyway? You certain aren't my_"

She froze when she abruptly noticed Azumi approaching. Turing away from the crowd, she unhinged her jaw, shoving the rest of the ball down her throat. Closing it, she turned back and put on her best friendly grin. Well, as friendly as a smile with hundreds of needle-like teeth could be. "Welcome to Isa's Brazaar! Would you like anything today, ma'am?"

Azumi ignored her senses telling her that something was off for the time being. Instead, she smiled at Isa before bowing.

"I am Azumi, a kitsune from the band Suburbanites! Right now, I guess I am seeking supplies for making talismans. Any material would do, really, as long as it's divine in nature"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren entered the only to find, his mother, Azumi, seeking materials to craft talismans.

"What is with you and making talismans?", Ren said to Azumi

"I just desire to bless my friends and family, is that bad?"

"Well it's using up our music production funds, please stop it..."

Azumi then hugged Ren

"Okay, my dear summoner", She smiled.
Fake Peppino wrote:
Fake Peppino would then reform in a random location of the bar, then he just starts to follow Mathius. "Ay bro, wait for me-"

He gestured for Fake Peppino to follow him to the kitchen.
Azathoth wrote:
"Mathius!" He said, his skull fully intact now as he waved.. but when he opened his eyes Mathius had done retreated into the kitchen

"Good to see you, Azathoth. I'm just having a bad day, and you were having a conversation"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Dont worry about it!" He said "Besides!" He said as a clone of him appeared next to Mathius "I can be literally everywhere at once-"
He grinned at Azathoth "I appreciate it"
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"Ah, also, I think you might want him back" he said, pulling wish from one of his pocket dimensions "He's a tough cookie considering I almost hit him in my sleep" he said chuckling

Wish is for the most part fine.. albiet a little sad he didnt get the notes on the Amorphous flute players like he wanted
"That's my son!" He said beaming with pride and love at Wish
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi ignored her senses telling her that something was off for the time being. Instead, she smiled at Isa before bowing.

"I am Azumi, a kitsune from the band Suburbanites! Right now, I guess I am seeking supplies for making talismans. Any material would do, really, as long as it's divine in nature"

"Ah, a divine object? I can help with that. Give me one moment."

She ducked under the table. A moment passed, then a small wooden cross was put onto the table from under it by one of Isa's gloved hands. Following that was a small golden statue of a large, happy looking man, a glowing guitar pick, a sword with a label on the hilt that said "Blessed by a thousand monks, used to slay an evil demigod," a piece of mistletoe that seemed to be enchanted, and a perfectly circular ring of bronze. Popping back out from under the table, she finally dragged a piece of a feathery wing out alongside her into Azumi's view. The merchant glanced at the table momentarily. Realizing it was too large to place on it, she moved the full length of the wing out around the restaurant's dining tables and into the walkway between the tables. The white wing was massive in size, nearly eight feet in its span and wider than Isa's own shoulders. It seemed to have a charred stump where it would have met the body of what was once its owner, as if it was brutally cut off by something extremely hot. It had the simple label of "angel wing" on a tag hooked into the flesh underneath the feathers by steel wire.

Huffing slightly, she stood up straight again. "Well, what do you_" Isa paused, noticing the addition of Ren. She had not even noticed what he had said to Azumi in her efforts to move the hulking appendage. "Oh, good evening. My apologies, but if you wait one moment, I will get to you soon!" Her focus returned to the kitsune. "Now, what do you think, Miss Azumi? Anything catch your eye?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Oh my!", Azumi gasped. She was not expecting such a large object, and a cumbersome one at that based on her size.

Ren stared at the guitar pick as Azumi proceeded to haggle with the merchant.

"How much would a single feather cost?", Azumi smiled, "I am only making a small talisman for a friend of mine"

Ren still eyed the guitar pick. It definitely piqued his interest. The hooded man though of adding such an exotic pick to his collection, however he thought the plectrum would catch a high price, most likely because it was made from a rare material. Azumi looked at the guitar pick as well now. She thought of rewarding her son by buying him that pick. After all, he had done most of the work that Finn and herself should be doing instead for their most recent album.

"By the way", Azumi paused and pointed at the glowing guitar pick, "How much would that be?"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait....", Ren said rapidly, " You're not seriously thinking of-"

"-buying it for you with my own money? Of course I am!", She giggled.

Ren did not respond and simply grinned widely.
Azathoth (played anonymously)

"You mortals reslly confuse me sometimes " he chuckled giving Wish a pat on the head "Next time Ill take you to the ultimate gate, just domt die when my grandson lets creatures of the void out-"
Isa watched the exchange between mother and son. She had seen the looks given between them before, in other customers with their children. Granted, those children were usually smaller than Ren, but she had seen it nonetheless. It was always a curious display to her. She had to wonder . . .

The eldritch woman shook her head to clear it of such thoughts. She had customers to aid. Brightening a smile she had not realized had been dimming, she addressed Azumi. "The angel feather and the guitar pick, yes? Let me think. . ." Glancing over the angel wing, she plucked a large feather from the bottom of the wing. It glowed a brilliant gold between her fingers. "This wing came from the angel Razalillia, who used her dying breath to end a demonic invasion by quite literally self-destructing. This wing survived simply because it had been severed before she did so."

Striding back to the table, she scooped up the guitar pick. "This was blessed by the music god Donovo, who enjoyed galivanting from show to show with groupies, scandals, and a harem or five. He's still out there doing that, as far as I know. Legend has it that guitars strummed by his picks never go out of tune. Whatever that means."

She presented both items to the pair. "I hate both of those showponies with a burning passion, so I'll cut you a deal. Two gold for each, unless you have something you want to trade."
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then be in the kitchen. just making the classic usual: Pizza. He seems to be having a good time making pizzas and it HURTS to ruin his vibe since he's not even bothering people for the most of it.
He was cutting up vegetables and meats for Peppino's pizzas. It felt good to have another chef with him
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Isa watched the exchange between mother and son. She had seen the looks given between them before, in other customers with their children. Granted, those children were usually smaller than Ren, but she had seen it nonetheless. It was always a curious display to her. She had to wonder . . .

The eldritch woman shook her head to clear it of such thoughts. She had customers to aid. Brightening a smile she had not realized had been dimming, she addressed Azumi. "The angel feather and the guitar pick, yes? Let me think. . ." Glancing over the angel wing, she plucked a large feather from the bottom of the wing. It glowed a brilliant gold between her fingers. "This wing came from the angel Razalillia, who used her dying breath to end a demonic invasion by quite literally self-destructing. This wing survived simply because it had been severed before she did so."

Striding back to the table, she scooped up the guitar pick. "This was blessed by the music god Donovo, who enjoyed galivanting from show to show with groupies, scandals, and a harem or five. He's still out there doing that, as far as I know. Legend has it that guitars strummed by his picks never go out of tune. Whatever that means."

She presented both items to the pair. "I hate both of those showponies with a burning passion, so I'll cut you a deal. Two gold for each, unless you have something you want to trade."

"Ooh! Alchemy paid off!", Azumi said and offered two Gold coins, "I had this minted by the Interdimensional Commerce Association. Apparently they do that!"

"Alchemy?", Ren said, "Since when'd you get into that? Aren't you devaluing gold by doing that? And how much did it cost to have the ICA let you do that?!"

"I've done this since I was three hundred years old! Besides, you mustn't worry, my dear. I had everything covered!"

Ren simply shrugged and let her pay for the two items. Azumi wagged her tails excitedly as she waited for the merchant to give them what they paid for.

"I promise to use to put this angel's feather to good use!", Azumi said, "After all, I am a spirit who serves a benevolent deity after all"

"Seems a bit morbid to use a dead angel's feather just for a talisman you know?"

"Well, to me, it's as morbid as cutting off my own fur to make talismans!"

"Yeah, and you had a few bald spots on your tails after that", Ren chuckled but got scolded by Azumi who was embarrassed.
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

"By the Emperor, ten thousand years of being isolated from the rest of the galaxy has clearly done a number to the Arpar sector."
He came out to start cleaning. He left a plate of fries for Vitrian and a slice of cake for Azumi and Ren.
Azathoth wrote:
"You mortals reslly confuse me sometimes " he chuckled giving Wish a pat on the head "Next time Ill take you to the ultimate gate, just domt die when my grandson lets creatures of the void out-"

"Why don't you make your celestial self useful and eat this" he set aside some cheese sticks in front of Azathoth

"This is my son's recipe"

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