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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azathoth (played anonymously)

He nods as he consumes the cheese stick, h a thought for a second "Its good.. I just think he should stick to baking and making sweets, fits him more you know?" He said "But cheese making is valid, its not entirely bad"
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Ooh! Alchemy paid off!", Azumi said and offered two Gold coins, "I had this minted by the Interdimensional Commerce Association. Apparently they do that!"

"Alchemy?", Ren said, "Since when'd you get into that? Aren't you devaluing gold by doing that? And how much did it cost to have the ICA let you do that?!"

"I've done this since I was three hundred years old! Besides, you mustn't worry, my dear. I had everything covered!"

Ren simply shrugged and let her pay for the two items. Azumi wagged her tails excitedly as she waited for the merchant to give them what they paid for.

"I promise to use to put this angel's feather to good use!", Azumi said, "After all, I am a spirit who serves a benevolent deity after all"

"Seems a bit morbid to use a dead angel's feather just for a talisman you know?"

"Well, to me, it's as morbid as cutting off my own fur to make talismans!"

"Yeah, and you had a few bald spots on your tails after that", Ren chuckled but got scolded by Azumi who was embarrassed.

Isa's eyes glinted in joy. She took the gold with glee before handing over the feather and the guitar pick. She truthfully had imagined there would need to be more haggling, like with her previous customer. "Will that be all, then, Miss Azumi?"

Isa briefly made a mental note to investigate whatever the "Interdimensional Commerce Association" is. It sounded like it would be interesting to visit.

The merchant's eye wandered to the hulking Space Marine that just entered before returning to her current customers.
Isa Lingworth wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Ooh! Alchemy paid off!", Azumi said and offered two Gold coins, "I had this minted by the Interdimensional Commerce Association. Apparently they do that!"

"Alchemy?", Ren said, "Since when'd you get into that? Aren't you devaluing gold by doing that? And how much did it cost to have the ICA let you do that?!"

"I've done this since I was three hundred years old! Besides, you mustn't worry, my dear. I had everything covered!"

Ren simply shrugged and let her pay for the two items. Azumi wagged her tails excitedly as she waited for the merchant to give them what they paid for.

"I promise to use to put this angel's feather to good use!", Azumi said, "After all, I am a spirit who serves a benevolent deity after all"

"Seems a bit morbid to use a dead angel's feather just for a talisman you know?"

"Well, to me, it's as morbid as cutting off my own fur to make talismans!"

"Yeah, and you had a few bald spots on your tails after that", Ren chuckled but got scolded by Azumi who was embarrassed.

Isa's eyes glinted in joy. She took the gold with glee before handing over the feather and the guitar pick. She truthfully had imagined there would need to be more haggling, like with her previous customer. "Will that be all, then, Miss Azumi?"

Isa briefly made a mental note to investigate whatever the "Interdimensional Commerce Association" is. It sounded like it would be interesting to visit.

The merchant's eye wandered to the hulking Space Marine that just entered before returning to her current customers.

"How much would you charge me for a new set of soup bowls and soup spoons?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"Ooh! Alchemy paid off!", Azumi said and offered two Gold coins, "I had this minted by the Interdimensional Commerce Association. Apparently they do that!"

"Alchemy?", Ren said, "Since when'd you get into that? Aren't you devaluing gold by doing that? And how much did it cost to have the ICA let you do that?!"

"I've done this since I was three hundred years old! Besides, you mustn't worry, my dear. I had everything covered!"

Ren simply shrugged and let her pay for the two items. Azumi wagged her tails excitedly as she waited for the merchant to give them what they paid for.

"I promise to use to put this angel's feather to good use!", Azumi said, "After all, I am a spirit who serves a benevolent deity after all"

"Seems a bit morbid to use a dead angel's feather just for a talisman you know?"

"Well, to me, it's as morbid as cutting off my own fur to make talismans!"

"Yeah, and you had a few bald spots on your tails after that", Ren chuckled but got scolded by Azumi who was embarrassed.

Isa's eyes glinted in joy. She took the gold with glee before handing over the feather and the guitar pick. She truthfully had imagined there would need to be more haggling, like with her previous customer. "Will that be all, then, Miss Azumi?"

Isa briefly made a mental note to investigate whatever the "Interdimensional Commerce Association" is. It sounded like it would be interesting to visit.

The merchant's eye wandered to the hulking Space Marine that just entered before returning to her current customers.

"Thank you kindly, miss!", Azumi said to Isa before dragging her son with her.

"Where are we going?", Ren said

"You're gonna help me make this talisman of protection!", Azumi grinned

Ren simply groaned as the two left the bar for a few hours. They returned, with Ren looking rather exhausted.

"I hate using so much magic...", Ren said, "And I hate making talismans using so much magic..."

"Oh nonsense! You did fine!", Azumi hugged Ren, "The fact that you are able to still maintain my physical existence as your familiar means you haven't run out of mana, you know!"
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

Captain Messinius also looks over at Isa. Something seems off about her, but he dismisses it as her possibly being a psyker. He heads over to a table to continue filing his report on the sector to send to his Chapter command.
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

He went into the bar and looked around. He would spot Captain Messinius and he would approach "A pleasure to see one of the many mighty hands of Our Emperor"
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

"Likewise. I am Captain Vitrian Messinius, Master of Recruits for the White Consuls chapter. I was given command of an Indomitus Crusade Battlegroup, and now I am here to scope out this newly claimed territory for the Imperium and hopefully locate a new homeworld for my chapter, as we have been fleet-based following the fall of Sabatine."
Azathoth (played anonymously)

Azathoth is eating some biscuits, which wish had made for the sake of making.. besides nobody was gonna eat them.. at the same time a copy of his was eating a star which he shrank down, eating it for the same reason
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* Max walk into the bar and see the captains and solders and such and he wasn't really expecting that but he calmed himself and walked to the bar table * Max: must be Independence Day or something am i right * he said to himself out loud *
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"How much would you charge me for a new set of soup bowls and soup spoons?"

Isa waves off the motherly familar and her adopted son. "Have a great day!"

In response to Mathius's question about bowls and silverware, she shrugs. "That depends on how fancy you want. I have spoons and bowls from as far back as roughly two thousand years ago, or the stuff you can get at any fine dining dealer."

Once Vitrian reached the table, the disguised eldritch abomination held up an index finger. "One moment, my gigantic armored friend who towers above me by at least three feet. Let me get this elvish gentleman what he wants and I'll be with you momentarily!"

She took note of Donanos's presence as she handled Mathius's request.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max saw the lady from befor who sold him the record player and he waved at her trying to be nice and all*
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

Vitrian Messinius wrote:
"Likewise. I am Captain Vitrian Messinius, Master of Recruits for the White Consuls chapter. I was given command of an Indomitus Crusade Battlegroup, and now I am here to scope out this newly claimed territory for the Imperium and hopefully locate a new homeworld for my chapter, as we have been fleet-based following the fall of Sabatine."

"I am Captain Dontanos Aphael of the 2nd Company Blood Angels"
Peanut the Postknight (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Peanut would then walk in, with a bandage on his nose. "Mornin' everyone... agh."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max looked over at penut * max: howdy there friend your nose looks pretty beat up to be honest
Peanut the Postknight (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Yup. Got into a few fights with the Bandit Chief and his goons. Didn't end up too good and i was defeated in the process."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: well atleast you went out swinging need something to help with the nose pain * he chuckled looking at peanut *
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

The lad hesitantly walked towards Isa. He clenched his hat in both of his hands. To the usual parton, Percy was obviously scared with the cowardly way his ears were slightly pointing down. "I would like some sort of c-colonge, m'am", he stuttered. Percy then grabbed a suitcase and opened, presenting a bat wing the size of a small child. "I-it ain't m-much."
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Dont mind the Tornado of Chaos, that entered the bar, as Azathoth would be kicked out by the woman who took over his profile, she cracked her neck, and began opening a carmel apple "Finally Im back!" She laughed, unsure how long she had been gone.. afterall she stopped aging

"What'd I miss?" She said
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

"oh no.... who said this little devil could return? This is gonna be a pain...."
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

"Implying anyone could really stop me.." she said, appearing infront of Tori "Its been a while brat" she laughs, as she then appeared in a seat "I have no beef with you.. besides Im only here for a drink" she said

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