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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Percy wrote:
The lad hesitantly walked towards Isa. He clenched his hat in both of his hands. To the usual patron, Percy was obviously scared with the cowardly way his ears were slightly pointing down. "I would like some sort of c-cologne, ma'am", he stuttered. Percy then grabbed a suitcase and opened, presenting a bat wing the size of a small child. "I-it ain't m-much."

Isa blinked. How long had she been staring into space? She did not know, but it was apparently long enough for others to leave and this young man to approach her table with a bat wing that was above average in terms of size. He requested cologne, of all things. With her trademark smile, she pulls out several bottles out from under the table. "I have floral, oriental, fresh, woody, rubber, fiery, cursed, garbage, and eldritch scents. Which would you like?" She leans forward, looking back and forth before cupping a hand near her mouth. "I would recommend the eldritch scent, but that's just my personal tastes," she whispered.
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

"Elderitch beings dont smell too great-" she said "Trust me-" she said, chuckling and walking over "Ill buy something when your not busy" she said, waving to Isa
Isa simply remained smiling in the face of the insult. She believed that Maki most likely did not know that Isa herself was an eldritch being who had dominated an entire universe a long time ago. Still . . . "I wouldn't go insulting eldritch beings, my newest potential customer. You never know when one might be, ah, listening." She said to the Inu-Girl, sharply emphasizing her point with a flash of her mouth when it was open just a little wider than when she spoke normally. For a split second, Maki saw far too many teeth. More than what should be able to fit in anyone's mouth.

Isa then waited for Percy to come to a decision.
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

"Floral, Demeter would a-approve", Percy said. His species, the Frubatta, worshipped the goddess, Demeter. He put his hat back on.
"Outstanding!" Isa exclaimed. She handed over the bottle of the floral cologne, taking the suitcase along with the wing. The woman began putting the other bottles back as she asked, "Will that be all, sir, or is there something else you would like to use to impress a lovely lady?"
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

Percy smiled when he took the floral cologne from Isa. "That will be all", he says with a tone of satisfaction. "Impress a lovely lady?" His eyebrow raised before he spoke again, "Oh no, Demeter is my people's goddess. We often wear floral smelling perfume and oils for her."
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Isa simply remained smiling in the face of the insult. She believed that Maki most likely did not know that Isa herself was an eldritch being who had dominated an entire universe a long time ago. Still . . . "I wouldn't go insulting eldritch beings, my newest potential customer. You never know when one might be, ah, listening." She said to the Inu-Girl, sharply emphasizing her point with a flash of her mouth when it was open just a little wider than when she spoke normally. For a split second, Maki saw far too many teeth. More than what should be able to fit in anyone's mouth.

Isa then waited for Percy to come to a decision.

She paused for a moment "..I like you" she said chuckling
Isa simply nodded back to Maki before readdressing back to Percy.

"Ah, right, right, right, my apologies." Isa said to the Frubatta, bowing as much as she could from a seated position. "Most people buy colognes or perfumes to impress a potential ma_ er, significant other. That's on me for assuming this Demeter was the one you were trying to become romantically involved with and begin the long, tumultuous process of eventually creating tiny versions of yourselves that run around and soil their pants."
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Nemuru finally returns with something to trade, waiting next to maki as she checked out the interesting sword she brought with her-

Shes just locked on to sword because.. sword lmao
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Keiko wrote:
After hearing Mathius giving the yeah, Keiko gave him a thumbs up. "Sapphire Cherries?" She turned her attention to Oniyan. Keiko giggled at her friend's innocence. "No, no. Sapphic Cherries, it's the name of my band", she corrected Oniyan. Keiko continued to explain, "Sapphic describes the love between women." She then lazily laid on the couch on her stomach and her head propped up with her arm.

Keiko grabbed her cola can and went to take a sip. However, not a drop was left in the can. She pouted and threw the can into a trash can.

"Oh, like Lebanese people!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Keiko wrote:
"Trying to get a gig for Sapphic Cherries", Keiko responded to Max's question. Sapphic Cherries was a band that her and a couple of friends formed back in high school. She took note of Max's choice of a Harley jacket instead of his usual jean one. Keiko moved away from Maki and plopped on the bar couch. "Yo, Mathuis. Can I bring a pillow for this couch?", she shouted to Mathuis. Keiko did a beckoning sign with her index finger towards her girlfriend, Tori.
Azumi merely assumed that Keiko was in the band that she mentioned. Nevertheless, this excited her. It had been a while since she met musicians other than her son and his stepcousin.

"Ooh! A fellow musician?", Azumi said, "I mostly play drums, but I can play the bass too! I'm from the band called Suburbanites! My son, Ren, along with myself and his Cousin, founded it together. The name is a Green Day reference if you are curious and it shows in Ren's style whenever he sings, plays or writes songs!"
Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
"Oh, like Lebanese people!"

"You mean lesbians. They're two very different things." Nicki then turned to Azumi. "I played bass in a band in college."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Nicki Martin wrote:
Oniyan the Saiyan wrote:
"Oh, like Lebanese people!"

"You mean lesbians. They're two very different things." Nicki then turned to Azumi. "I played bass in a band in college."

"Hey... I remember you!", Azumi smiled at Nicki, "You used to be a regular here at Trixie's Bar!"
"I wouldn't say I was ever a regular." Nicki answered. "My work means that I often travel."
He came out of the kitchen sweeping.
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Maki doing making things.. mostly spinning tornados and blowing them onto the floor.. she's doing the least destructive thing possible
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk in seeing the tornados maki was making and was interested and asked * max; hay whatcha doing there * he said going up to them *
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then be dancing in a random corner. He's having a good time at least. I mean, it's not illegal to have fun in here anyway-

tz2xo9aykt9b1.gif (Placeholder or for reference idk-)
He stood watching Fake Peppino having himself a blast
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

Maki through a big tornado "Nothing you'd understand simple minded human she said raising a large torando above her head and sweeping him away... in reality.. he was carried atop of it

"Oh.. theres a no violence rule here isnt there?-"

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