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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max wasent expecting to be picked up * max: whoa hay um could you put me down * he said not wanting to fall and get hurt befor he thought for a sec * max: hehe I guess you can say I’m pretty winded huh * he laughed
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

"..." Maki is really feeling like breaking the no violence rule.. the torando drops him instantly as payment for that joke-
Hoist (played by randomentity777)

Hoist drives in and transforms. "Evening everyone."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Good evening!", Azumi smiled
Zero (played by Revereen)

If one attempts to disrupt his checking of the cameras in Trixie's Bar, Zero is in the midst of sipping some starbucks coffee.

Azumi is now making funny faces in front of the cameras as she realizes Zero is watching.
Mathius was cleaning out the fridge and willing out waste reports..
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Maki Tadashi wrote:
"..." Maki is really feeling like breaking the no violence rule.. the torando drops him instantly as payment for that joke-
* max hits a ground with a thud * max: i guess i deserve that * he said laying there and lighting a joint for the pain * max: but how is everyone
"Just a little busy running the kitchen"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max sat up and looked at mathius* max: well need any help then * he said curiesly *
Watching her previous customer leave, Isa now has no one waiting in line at the moment. Deciding to change her stock, the eldritch woman puts everything on the table into. . . something under the table.

She begins pulling the following out: a calculator, a beach ball that seems to defy gravity, a black sphere that radiates darkness, a shard of metal that glows with the energy of life, a can of Coca-Cola, a shotgun with a revolving chamber for shells, a scythe with a decorative skull attached to one end of the blade, a cookbook titled "The Gamer's Guide to the Ultimate Dish," a pair of Michael Jordan's basketball shoes signed by the man himself, a golden spatula, and a handheld mirror with a tag that says "Absolutely, POSITIVELY curse-free!"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max saw the lady merchent from befor and walked up to them seeing the itams * max: where do you get all this awsome stuff * he said taking a look at almost everything besides the calculator since math was dumb to him *
The merchant grinned, adjusting her hood. "I get them from suppliers across the Multiverse we are apart of, my friend. It's as simple as that."

It was a half-truth. A good bit of merchandise comes through. . . questionable means, but hardly anyone ever asks beyond various "where'd you get this," so she never worries.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: really the multivers so could request something crazy and youll be able to pull it out of the bag and what happens if you go threw the bag * he said now curies on what the multivers bag could so *
"Oh, I never use any bags." Isa states. She picks up the glowing metal shard, beginning a complex dance of the piece flipping between and around her fingers. The sly grin in place of her normal slightly off-putting one dares Max to ask about where she keeps her goods.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: well then how do you get this stuff like a worm hole or something
Isa leans back in her chair. She may be applying the "aloof charm" on heavy, but she is having fun. That is the primary reason why she had ended her own dictatorship of a universe, after all.

"I can't really tell you that without the gray matter in your head oozing out your ears," she begins, catching the metal piece between her index and middle fingers. "I could show you, but then you might bleed from every pore, or your eyes may rot and decompose while inside your head, or you may become a homicidal maniac, or all of what I just mentioned happens, or none of what I just mentioned happens."
Hoist (played by randomentity777)

"That can't be fun."
"It's not, my giant sentient robotic friend! It's really not," Isa agrees.
Maki Tadashi (played by Reithesniper)

She claps, as a TV appeared.. playing voltron.. sick-
He fell asleep at a booth.

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