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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Isa gives a nod in greeting to Chak-tha. Her smile never wavers. "Hello, and welcome to my brazaar!"

Returning to Max, she answers him. "The cookbook is two gold. Nothing magical about it, unless you count Street Fighter-themed appetizers as magic."

max: 2 gold now what if i dint have gold i have a few itams to trade out and some pot if your willing to take that again * eh said noticing the other girl waiting for her turn * max: my bad ill only be a sec miss * he said to nemuru*
Isa rolls with the telepathy as if it were nothing. "A mirror. Totally not a cursed one."

The mirror reflects what Chak-tha would appear as if she were human.

As she returns her gaze to Max, she hands Nemuru the scimitar from awhile back. It glows purple, the blade rife with ancient black magic.

"What are your items?" she asks Max.
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak-tha's antennae flicked upwards, as a human would raise an eyebrow.

Then why elaborate specifically? That makes it seem like it is.
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Huh.... Im gonna assume theres a curse in this sword.."
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

((Lemme edit that rq))
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max had a bag and opend it showing a oldschool Nintendo with the controllors and the gun that came with duck hunt and the first mario game * max: this is a origanl nintendo with the gun and controlers will that be fine
Isa merely grins to Chak-tha. She points to the Thri-Kreen's smaller arms. They had been converted to human arms, and transformation was slowly spreading to the rest of her. "It will wear off." The merchant adds before panic could potentially set in.

"Yes, the sword is cursed. Only the blade, though. If you cut someone with it, their soul is devoured by the blade."

Isa wordlessly takes the entire console and controllers and hands Max the gun. She has always been a sucker for Nintendo, and it shows in her enthusiasm.
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak-tha began to click rapidly, seeming panicked despite Isa's words.

What's happening to me? What did you do?
"You're becoming a human." Isa says matter-of-factly. "As I stated, the mirror isn't cursed. It is only temporary, and it only affects non-humans."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Isa merely grins to Chak-tha. She points to the Thri-Kreen's smaller arms. They had been converted to human arms, and transformation was slowly spreading to the rest of her. "It will wear off." The merchant adds before panic could potentially set in.

"Yes, the sword is cursed. Only the blade, though. If you cut someone with it, their soul is devoured by the blade."

Isa wordlessly takes the entire console and controllers and hands Max the gun. She has always been a sucker for Nintendo, and it shows in her enthusiasm.

max: well well i think i just figuerd out who my consumer is * he chuckled * now tell me is it just Nintendo or old school consuls in general * he said with a big toothy grin befor seeing chak* max: whoa thats super bizare * he said watching intesly *
"Just Nintendo." Isa confirmed. "I like the short men in red and green. They are fun. The dragon turtle is too."
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak-tha put down the mirror as her two sets of arms melded into one, and her face became more humanoid, having bright green eyes and a pointed nose. Her eyes went wide as she looked at her hands. "What... the... hell..?" she said, stumbling over her words many times due to her unfamiliarity with humanspeak.
Isa watches the entire transformation with interest. She pulls a pink sweatshirt out from under the table and tosses it to Chak-tha to cover her new. . . features. It notably has four arm holes. "Here. Free of charge for being the unwilling guinea pig for something I would normally test before selling. The reason I didn't is because I have a pocket dimension in me. If I became a human, the objects would have nowhere to go except. . . out. Very violently out."

She seems entirely ignorant of the panic Chak-tha is experiencing.
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

(I was gonna say she was wearing clothes but they wouldn't really cover her top half very well lol)

Chak-tha put on the sweatshirt, sat down on a nearby stool, and glowered at Isa. "That doesn't mean I forgive you, you strange, vile, thing," she replied, her voice high-pitched, but a little broken.
Isa shrugs, taking the mirror and turning it face down. She edits the tag to say "Mirror that turns you human." She opens her mouth wide, wider than should be possible, and drops the object in before locking it behind teeth. The mirror is gone when she speaks again. "I'm sorry, again. The opportunity was there, and I had to take it."

Folding her hands, she continues. "On the brightside, you are experiencing something not many of your kind get to! How does it feel, being a human?"
Chak-tha (played by Anakisuto)

Chak-tha thought about this for a moment. "I feel... inside out," she said slowly. "And pretty vulnerable, too." She poked her own arm and shivered. "Ew."
"I can relate. Would you believe me if I said I was once an near omnipotent deity who had an entire universe within my reign?" She asked as if they were discussing something as trival as the weather.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max noted that about the Nintendo but he watched chaks transformation * max: holy shit um well I mean you look vary pretty i. Human form not saying you weren’t befor and all just kinda pointing it out * he said taking a seat as well *
He came out of the kitchen and rested.
Hoist (played by randomentity777)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Not as strong as any of you Cybertronians, Hoist."

Hoist tilts his head sideways in confusion. "I'm sorry. Have we met?"

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