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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Well done!" He said smiling at Wish.

"I think for Halloween, you should dress as Sin Kiske and if Astoria was around, I'd ask her to go as Dizzy"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

He thinks for a moment, Im more than happy to do that" he said chuckling-
* maximus walked into the bar looking tierd since he woke up not to long ago * maximus: morning everyone * he said walking to a empty seat to sit down *
Setting up shop again, Isa displays the following items for sale or trade: A 1-Up Mushroom, a red Mushroom, a Propeller Mushroom, a Mega Mushroom, a Drill Mushroom, a Poison Mushroom, an Elephant Fruit, a Fire Flower, an Ice Flower, a Bubble Flower, and a Wonder Flower.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would then walk into the bar seeing his brother sitting lone and isa setting up shop and noticing the mario mushrooms * max: hay isa whats next sonic shoes and such am i right * he chuckled *
Aunn walked into the bar in the guise of a stoic elf woman. She surveyed the room, seeing a little shop filled with interesting items. She saw the woman selling the items and her... unsettling smile. Aunn shuddered and walked over. "Interesting setup you've got here," she said in a heavy French accent. She looked at the items, looking quite interested in the Wonder Flower. "What is this?"
Isa, after setting out a Penguin Suit as the last item, looks over her shoulder to Max. One eyebrow peaks as she asks, "What's Sonic?"

She then answers Aunn. "Also, hello! This is a Wonder Flower, my newest customer! Hailing from a faraway place, using it will make something . . ." The merchant pauses, trying to figure how to describe the infinite number of events that can happen after using the flower. She settles into a sheepish grin. "Well, er, something wonderful will occur!"
Aunn puffed out a cold, quick laugh. "Just something wonderful? Makes me think that you are lying,' she replied, seeming skeptical of the merchant's words.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: you know blue headge hog that runs super fast he eats chili dogs marios video game rivalry between the sagagenisus and the Nentendo * he chuckled befor quikly showing a image of a random sonic * max: this guy dosent ring any bells * he said as he hurd the elf women * max: i would just be weary i mean the other week this girl transformed from her normal form into a human from a mirro * he said grining befor taking a seat *
"That's strange. Reminds me of the time a night hag gave me a ring that made everyone I met love me... fanatically," Aunn said, reaching into her pocket. "In fact, I still have it, but I'm not putting it on anytime soon."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: oh thats cool whats your price for it * he chuckled * max: im joking if anyone needs it its my brother * he said pointing to the lepord human hybrid sitting byhimself *
Isa inspected the picture. ". . . Nope, doesn't ring any bells."

The woman then gestures to the glowing blue plant. She eyes the ring as she swings for a sale. "Anyway, were you interested in purchasing or bartering for the Wonder Flower? I can do a demonstration if you want!"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: man isa i mean ill give you a video gamr history lesson but itll cost ya * he chuckled as he hurd there conversation * max; you know ive never hurd of a wonder mushroom befor
Aunn holds up the ring, which looks like a snake with emerald eyes. "Oh, you want this?" she asked, starting to smirk. "I mean, parting with such a sentimental object isn't something I'd be willing to do for a flower I haven't seen the potential of yet." She looked at Isa, trying to gauge her emotions.
"Another time, Max. I have a shop to run!" Isa proclaims.

The smile, never once falling, only grows a bit larger. Ah, a negotiator. This would be fun indeed. Very well. The merchant happily picks up the flower and begins explaining. "Upon using the flower, something wonderful happens. It could be anything! It lasts for a decent amount of time, or until you collect the Wonder Seed that spawns nearby after using the flower. To use it, simply have the desire for something amazing to happen, then hold the flower. Observe."

The flower in her hand begins to glow brighter and brighter. Magical power and mist fill the air. Isa's body breaks down into small colored spheres, which swirls around Aunn and Max several times before rising high above the table. They coalesce into a 3 foot white sphere, the light nearly blinding, before all at once the light and mist suddenly cease to be. A small object falls from the air behind the table.

Slowly, a white slime with black eyes and red irises rolls out from behind the table in front of the pair.
Aunn watches the spectacle, seeming only mildly interested. "Nice light show," she commented, starting to study the ring in her hand. "Would you be willing to take more... monetary payment?"
The Isa-Slime nods. The small cowlick on the back of her "head," present in her hair prior to her transformation, bobs with the motion. Slithering up the table leg, she takes the place of where the Wonder Flower used to be to look at Aunn and Max without have to look up.

Looking all around the bar, the gelatinous person slowly begins to show signs of distress. A large, tear-shaped glob forms and slides down the gooey surface before being absorbed, reminiscent of a sweatdrop.
Aunn looked at the slime creature with a look of mild disdain. "You did that without a way to turn yourself back?" she asked, pulling out a battered leather volume emblazoned with the constellation of Cassiopeia. "Good thing I'm pretty well-versed in the arcane arts." She opened the book, quickly flipping through the pages, searching for the correct spell. "A Dispelling Magic field work all right, or should I dispel it directly?"
Isa-Slime's eyes crinkle in annoyance. Without a mouth, it does not seem like Isa can vocalize what she knows. The Wonder Flower is in a magic class all its own, from the eldritch ooze's prior observations. She has no idea if dispelling magic would even work. Heck, it could even backfire.

Isa hopes it works. She previously expected the Wonder Seed, also known as the object that can change her back, to appear in the room, but it seems like that was not the case. She could not tell Aunn that either, though.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max takes a moment to think * max: i have a idea * he then goes out of the bar and grabs big poster bored * max: could you maybe try writing what you want to say * he said curiesly *

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