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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: that seed just loony tune jumped on us * he said as he went over to the chimny * max: uuuugggh i swear im going to get that seed for making me go up and down this bar * he said sighing *
Aunn growled in frustration. "Damn artifacts," she grumbled to herself. "Never easy to get, even if they're not for yourself." She flew down to where Isa was and explained what happened to her. "Looks like this thing isn't gonna get found easily." She pulled out her book again, trying to find a spell that could help them. "I could try polymorphing you, if that's what's easier."
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

She was sitting at a booth near the doors with a can of cola in her hand. A baby blue box from a bakery sat on the table next to her. It was big enough for a whole cake to be inside of it. Keiko herself was adjusting one of her many rings on her hands.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max took his time coming off the roof to where isa and aunn where * max: ya the shit is somewhere inside the bar now * he said a little ieritated *
Isa is hardly listening to Aunn. No more than a white puddle on the ground, her eyes literally swirl around as black spirals.

Meanwhile, the Wonder Seed pops out the fireplace. It seems to gaze around the bar before its vacant eyes land on the blue box by Keiko. It rushes for the box, vanishing again before reappearing inside it. The box glows ever so slightly.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: here ill go and see if i can spot it inside * he said as he left them to go inside and started looking * max: dame why did the seed have to be so small * he said to himself *
Aunn sighs and begins to play her lute again, looking at her book to confirm her casting process was correct. She sang something in an arcane language that most couldn't understand, attempting to turn Slime-Isa into a human.
Isa blinks, her eyes returning to normal. She reforms her spherical shape just in time to begin floating. She looks in surprise at Aunn as her body glows a luminous white. It engulfs her completely before abruptly exploding in a large cloud of white smoke.

Once it clears, Aunn sees Isa once again as a slime with spirals for eyes, only instead of being a gooey ball, she has roughly the same outline as her humanoid form, complete with a mouth, arms, and head. Half-melted into the dirt, she voice is distorted as if she were underwater. "Ooooooooh . . . Please make the sky stop spinning," the slime woman asks blurrily.

The Wonder Seed pulsed with light from inside the box . . .
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

Wormhole opens, Fu falls out, landing on the four.. "BROLY!" He yelled, comedicaclly angry "You hit way too hard!" He said dusting himself off "Oh sick a bar" he said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would hit the ground with a thud as the man landed on them * max: ay amn why does shit have to be falling from the sky * he said growning *
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"First off, I got punched through that portal, second "Thank you for breaking my fall earthling" he said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max got up dudting himself off and fixing his hair * max: and why was said portal in the sky and your welcome ill make sure when i fall ill aim for you * he said cracking his back * max: who are you anyways
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"He bows "Im Fu!" He said "An official time patroller" he said bowing as if he were an actor "We protect time, and lets say, Im much better st it than most.. except those few, who actually managed to beat me..." he said "In the DLC of course" he added quietly, I just wanted break the forth wall
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Fuu wrote:
"He bows "Im Fu!" He said "An official time patroller" he said bowing as if he were an actor "We protect time, and lets say, Im much better st it than most.. except those few, who actually managed to beat me..." he said "In the DLC of course" he added quietly, I just wanted break the forth wall

Astori slaps him through a few dimension barriers before pulling him back for the fourth wall break.
Aunn sighed. "Of course it doesn't work all the way." She turned around and stormed back into the bar. "Never should've asked for you to demonstrate," she added as she noticed the thin line pointing to the box. "THERE you are!" she exclaimed, snatching the box.
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

Fu just looks at Astoria.. someone particularly new to him, he took a moment, agreeing to himself to not cause too much trouble while he's here

And sighing heavily "Could you not?" He said getting up.. more annoyed his labcaot got shredded
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

"Don't break the wall then. It's a pain to fix. You patrol time right? You should know better than to do that."
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"First of all, we deal with time, thats not our problem... besides I didnt see you trying to fight goku when he was breakin manga panels"
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"also besides Im not canon-"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Fuu wrote:
"First of all, we deal with time, thats not our problem... besides I didnt see you trying to fight goku when he was breakin manga panels"

"That's because I'm not normally seen"

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus