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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

He snaps, concealing himself, appearing again with the sound of another snap "Concealment, even people like the Kais and you cant see me" he says
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She walks up to him and pokes him. "You're right here."
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"Because I didnt move you utter fool..-" he saod before face palming and sighing "Ya know, maybe this is why Gods of Destruction exsist-"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She snickers. "Those guys are rather weak... Even Zeno isn't much..."
Xavier walked into the bar and by Astoria and Fuu. "Uh.. Hey there guys."
Isa follows along, still slightly dazed.

The box practically explodes open in a torrent of cake batter right in Aunn's hands. The enormous volume of sweetness begins to reform. Hardened scales of candy form an outer layer of red and cream. Rock candy eyes roll into their sockets as fluffy sponge envelopes the Wonder Seed at the beast's head. A serpentine form takes shape, and the Cake Snake is born. It hisses and flares its sharp peppermint fangs. Easily three feet in width, the normally delicious sweet gazes down on the changeling as if she was the delicious food. The end of the snake was, notably, still in the box that rested in Aunn's hands, somehow light enough to hold.

Isa, shaking away her dizziness at the door, had only one thing to say to this. "Well, crap."
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"..." he look a long breath, a little more than anmoyed, looking at Xavier "Sup" he waved.. pulling his sword from a portal, and putting it on his hip again
Aunn's face somehow got even paler than it already was. "Didn't expect to fight a candy monster today.." She said, seeming more fed up than scared. She pulled out a silvered rapier and assumed a battle stance. "Bring it!"
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Yamato stares at the Cake Snek in confusion. Half of his instincts are telling him to exorcise the Cursed Spirit, and the other half are telling him to devour the cake. "I can't tell if this thing is a blessing or a threat..."
Xavier grinned, carefully probing into Yamoto and Fuu's minds, losing a trickle of previous memories in the process. He wanted to know who they were before he talked to them too much.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Yamato instantly looks around, glaring at anyone suspicious. "Get the hell out of my head...."
Xavier put up his hands a little. "Guilty as charged. But don't worry, I'll probably forget this soon."
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

His cursed energy flares up a bit as skin hardens and his shield starts to form along his arms, his eyes narrow and bitter. "Do you always invade peoples privacy like that without consent?"
He laughed nervously. "Uhh.. usually people don't notice, and it's not a problem," he replied. "Nice that you were perceptive enough."
The Cake Snake screeches in response to the challenge. It eyes everyone present as a foe, and lunges at the closest, Aunn. The box at the end of its body remains stationary, instead more cake batter forming to add to its length.

Isa dives for the table of Mario-Universe Power-Ups, also known as her shop table. She throws a Fire Flower to Aunn. "Catch!"
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

Fu, is a literal demon, looking to Xavier "Hey.. could you not, if you keep running your Ki through my head, Im going to run mine through yours" he said, as he made a Ki blast in his hand "Understand?"
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Xavier D'marouge wrote:
He laughed nervously. "Uhh.. usually people don't notice, and it's not a problem," he replied. "Nice that you were perceptive enough."

Yamato glares at him. "Nice that I was perceptive enough?! Do you have no shame or guilt for your actions?! You would do it again if you thought you could get a away with him."
Maximus wrote:
Astoria Lotus wrote:
Astoria yawns, feeling sleepy. She is still getting used to being closer to a mortal than she ever was.

* maximus saw the girl that was sleepy and dicided to go and try talking to them * maximus: howdy there friend what brings you here * he said curiesly as his lepord ears would twitch slightly *

"Astoria already has a boyfriend"
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

She looks at Yamato.. and smiles "Yamato-sama, lets not cause a fight I understand your anger, but lets be respectful of this places rules" she said
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Astoria already has a boyfriend"

Astoria smiles, hugging Mathius. "It's fine dear, I have no interest in anyone else."

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