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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He hugged her back smiling
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He hugged her back smiling

"What's it like having a wife, Mathius?", Azumi asked curiously, "I never married, and I don't think Ren would enjoy the prospect of having a father at his age"
"Having a person you love deeper than you ever thought possible is an amazing feeling. I assume it's like that for every couple. However, being married to a guardian goddess has peels such as us never aging, so we're probably going to be together forever"
Maya (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* Maya would walk in with her super high tec clothing a chrome parts on her as she walks to the bar table lighting a joint with her fingertip as the lighter * Maya: so whats the deal with this place * she said curiously
"This is a bar which can be accessed from any of the universes. It's a bar"
Maya (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* maya chuckled * maya: well i get that its a bar but thats cool that it hase diffrent universes connected to it im from night city and most bars are all flashy and what not
"Not here. This is a place to east, have a drink, and eat some good food. However, the merchant I usually buy from is running a bit late, so there are a couple drinks and a few food items we cannot offer at this time"
Maya (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

maya: oh wow so in a way its like a bar restaurant kinda deal huh * she said curesly * maya: and shit then what do you got to drink here
"Full bar, soft drinks, as well as coffee drinks"
Maya (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

maya: ummmm could i get a bottle of coke if thats avalible they dont have anything glass bottled in night city
Xavier snapped out of his daze and looked around for anyone who seemed interesting.
Aunn caught the flower and was surprised at the sudden outfit change that ensued, her outfit turning white with red accents. Fire appeared in the palms of both her hands. "Woah!" she exclaimed. "This is pretty sweet!" She flung a fireball at the cake monster and quickly moved out of range of its attacks.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Aunn Tallspine wrote:
Aunn caught the flower and was surprised at the sudden outfit change that ensued, her outfit turning white with red accents. Fire appeared in the palms of both her hands. "Woah!" she exclaimed. "This is pretty sweet!" She flung a fireball at the cake monster and quickly moved out of range of its attacks.

"Woman, are you ok? What are you throwing fire at in such a flamable building? Maybe be a bit safer" He frowns a bit
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

Nemuru is still doing Nemuru things, snacking on hard candy
The Cake Snake's head glowed slightly, an aftereffect of the Wonder Seed's presence. It hissed loudly in frustration as the fire hit it.

Isa contemplated picking up and using one of her power ups. Grabbing one Ice Flower, she felt disappointment that her slime form did not change. Instead picking up the 1-Up Mushroom, she grabbed a broom and zoomed over to the Cake Snake. A quick wack on the head, and it turned its attention to her. Lunging, it attempted to devour her, only to get the broom lodged upright in its jaws for its trouble. It flailed about, pressing down hard on the cleaning instrument.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Yamato looks at the Snake. "Oh... Huh." He grins, his entire body hardening. "I could use some entertainment...."
Rushing back to the table, Isa noticed Yamato preparing to fight. She tossed an Elephant Fruit to the sorcerer. "Here! Become an elephant!"
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

He ignores the fruit. He'd rather not become an elephant, that 1 game MimBendo made with Cario looked weird enough.
Aunn also leaped at the snake, her hands aflame. "I think we've got this in the bag!" she said, exhilarated. She tried to throttle the monster in order to get it to surrender the Wonder Seed, "C'mon, just give up your brain thingy..."
Isa deadpanned. Without warning, she threw the entire Penguin Suit directly at Yamato. "Now is not the time to be picky!"

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