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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Hey, Mathius. I turned myself into a tadpole for no reason! :D" Okay, this must be the most stupidest thing Fake Peppino has ever said. Because clearly he- oh. wait nevermind he IS a tadpole-

Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

((and jesus christ the size of this picture qwp))
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Fake Peppino wrote:
"Hey, Mathius. I turned myself into a tadpole for no reason! :D" Okay, this must be the most stupidest thing Fake Peppino has ever said. Because clearly he- oh. wait nevermind he IS a tadpole-


"Ooh! Shapeshifting!", Azumi said and actually turned herself into a small tadpole"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Hey guys, have you seen my mom?", Ren asked.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Yamato shrugs, unknowingly about to step on the tadpole thinking its a bug.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"WOAH WOAH AY- HANG ON DON'T STEP ON US-" Fake Peppino alerts Yamato in a panicked tone.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Yamato darts to the side, managing to only squish Peppino's arms.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Yamato Shimura wrote:
Yamato darts to the side, managing to only squish Peppino's arms.

"Don't squish meeee!", Azumi squealed before turning back into an anthropomorphic fox. She then saw her son and smiled happily.

"Hi, sweetie!", She said to Ren

"Hey mom..."
Fake Peppino wrote:
"WOAH WOAH AY- HANG ON DON'T STEP ON US-" Fake Peppino alerts Yamato in a panicked tone.

He sets his sous chef into a small tank. "You'll be okay in there"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max walks in not knowing what all he missed * max: whoa what all is happening here?
Aunn looked behind herself at Max. "Big cake monster," she said, still hurling flames at it. "Not really missing much, in my opinion."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max flinched as he saw her throw the fire ball at the gient cake monster * max: holy shit dont tell me thats from that bullshit seed is it * he said still in shock * max: holy shit umm do you need help?
Hard candy eyes snapped back to Aunn, the burns on the Cake Snake's hard body present in many places. Irritation painted its face as it spat up a large ball of cake batter at the changeling.

Isa, having retrieved the Elephant Fruit, hurled it and the Bubble Flower to Max. "Pick one, and fight!"
Aunn gave a small yell of surprise and shifted her appearance to be very short, dodging the projectile before returning to her normal form. "First time something like you's caught me off guard," she muttered to herself. "I must be losing my touch." She pulled out her silvered rapier and combined it with the power of the Fire Flower, setting it ablaze with the magical flames.

Aunn smiled and pointed the elegant blade at the snake. "En Garde!" she exclaimed.
The Snake rose upward in face of the challenge. Despite its tail end remaining in its blue box, it still maneuvered quite quickly. It attempted to headbutt Aunn from her left with its hardened skull.
Aunn's grin grew wider as she attempted to slice at the snake's head, punishing its reckless attack with a carefully calculated one of her own. "Please, I've fought lowly zombies scarier than you," she jabbed, trying to anger the monster further.
With a fresh slice on the noggin that did not quite penetrate its head, the snake reared back. It hissed, taking on the defense by shooting a volley of small balls of batter at Aunn.

Isa gazed at the scene. Looking at 1-Up Mushroom still on her person, she shoved it in her mouth to see if it would work. It sank into her chest where it dissolved in a matter of seconds. A familiar chime of an extra life echoed in her ears. With a grin, a plan began hatching in her currently nonexistent brain.
Aunn recoiled as a few of the balls connected with her shoulders and chest. She dropped her sword. "Damn," she said, grabbing her shoulder with her good arm. "Hey, shopkeep, you got any bright ideas? I'm gonna need a few seconds to fix my arm. I think I've got a broken rib or two as well." Aunn winced as she stumbled away from the snake.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
Hard candy eyes snapped back to Aunn, the burns on the Cake Snake's hard body present in many places. Irritation painted its face as it spat up a large ball of cake batter at the changeling.

Isa, having retrieved the Elephant Fruit, hurled it and the Bubble Flower to Max. "Pick one, and fight!"

* max thought quickly thinking the elithent one would make him bigger so with out hesitation he eats it not knowing exactly what will happen * max: well hopfully this shit works *
"Indeed I do!" Isa shouted. Without further explanation, she picked up and tossed a chair in a two-hand overhead throw into the Cake Snake's head. "Hey, rock candy for brains!"

Hissing in pain and anger, it rounded on Isa, who grinned deviously. "What, didn't like that?" She taunted with eyes closed. "You think you're all that? That you're the sweetest thing in the world? Malarkey! I bet candy corn tastes better than you, and that stuff is like eating a cow's an_"

Isa did not even finish before the Snake Cake violently snapped her up between its fangs, taking a section of the floor with her. Swallowing even the wood she had once stood on, it returned its attention back to Aunn. Isa had bought her precious time.

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