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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max transforms into Elephant Max. He appears exactly as cursed as expected.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( like he's gient or hes a elephant lol XD sorry)
( xD W Max moment L Isa moment )

As the scene unfolded, Aunn muttered a few words to herself, causing her injuries to heal much faster than they normally would. "Now you messed up!" she shouted at the creature. "You don't eat innocents! Prepare to taste silvered steel!" She lunged at the snake with newfound ferocity, rage burning in her eyes, attempting to dice the creature in multiple cakey bits.
((He's a large anthomorphic elephant, sorry. I was trying to find the word and accidentally hit send))
(( CURSED ))
((Welcome to Super Mario Wonder. At least max has his clothes.))
(( Cackling ))
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( lol well i mean if it works it works i was thinking he was going to be huge and eat the cake monster like scooby doo lol ) * max not used to being transformed into things was pretty at ease as he was a elifent * max: well then this wasent exactly what i was planning * he said but with ut hesitation he charges at the cake monster and plowing into them head on to hopfully knock them down or atleast stagger them
((Max. My buddy, my guy. It's a snake. Snake's don't have legs. XD))
(( Whattttt I thought they had legs???? (this is satire) ))
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( oh shit i didn't even relize that's my bad lmfao hold on ill fix that )
((It’s all good, lol.))
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

( ok i fixed it )
The combination of blows of the burning sword and the pachyderm headbutt were enough to knock the giant serpent backwards into the back wall. Burned and its the plate holding the Wonder Seed in its head nearly shattered, it picked itself up. Eyeing the duo and the box its tail emerged from, it rapidly sunk its body back into the box. Said box glowed brightly . . .
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max staggerd from headbutting the monster looked and was confused * max: so what does that mean its giving up? * he said curesly *
Aunn looked over to the box, approaching it warily. "I dunno, but I hope that's what it's doing," she replied, lifting the box open with the tip of her rapier. "Wakey wakey..."
The Snake erupted for the box with so much force that it knocked both Aunn and her sword away, with the former rolling into a wall and the latter being impaled into the ceiling. Her outfit returned to normal from the damage, contrasting to the Cake Snake, which seems to have mended its wounds surprisingly quickly.

Without delay, the Snake clamped its mouth around Max's rotund form in an attempt to devour him, only to find he was simply too big to eat. It instead started flailing him around like a ragdoll in the hands of a particularly violent three-year-old child.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max trying to grab anything with his trunk was screaming in the air * max: holy shit you over grown Diabietes let me go! * he said trying anything to break free *
Aunn started coughing as she hit the wall, regaining her breath. "I should really stop doing that," she groaned before getting up, pulling out her book and lute as she did so. "All right, how about a little song?"

As Aunn began to sing, shadowy figures appeared around her, coalescing into whatever the cake snake was most afraid of before charging in to atack it.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

*max was starting to get really dizzy from being wipped back and fourth * max: guys! im getting sick over here! * he said yelling *

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