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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Aunn laughed a little at that. "I get that. How much for the... bag?"
Isa raised an eyebrow at that. "I thought you were very put off by the concept of the dead corpse. Why the sudden change?"
She shrugged. "I don't want it in the wrong hands, and I don't want you throwing it around."
"That's fair," the merchant replied. She went to retrieve the bodybag. Dragging it back onto the table, Isa looked back to Aunn with inquiring eyes. "Would you like to see who's inside?"
Aunn raised her eyebrows nervously. "Uhhhh... sure??"
With a grin, Isa begins to open the bag . . .
. . . Only for Emelia to tear her way out. Groaning, she glanced around the bar. "Where the hell am I?"
Aunn's pale face somehow got even paler. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed. "You said it was some corpse!"
"It . . . is a corpse?" Isa asked, genuinely perplexed.

The undead Inquisitor's eyes locked onto Aunn, then Isa, and finally the bodybag she was folded in. Her face said it all: someone better give an explanation. Now.
Hoist (played by randomentity777)

"Now I've seen everything."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Isa Lingworth wrote:
"It . . . is a corpse?" Isa asked, genuinely perplexed.

The undead Inquisitor's eyes locked onto Aunn, then Isa, and finally the bodybag she was folded in. Her face said it all: someone better give an explanation. Now.

Max: so if anything it’s a zombie and your at a bar zombie person * he chuckled *
Yamato Shimura wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:

Lengua tacos
Barbacoa tacos
Chicken fajitas
Grilled fish tacos
Steak burritos

Each plate comes with Hispanic rice, black beans chips, and salsa.


Yamato has been patiently waiting over a day for his order. he isn't even sure if his order was taken, yet he waits like a gentleman.

(I think I did give you your order)

He brought three orders of Spring rolls out to Yamato
Aunn put her hands up as if to say 'Don't ask me!' and slowly backed away from the undead woman.
Emelia turned her hardened gaze upon Isa, who merely shrugged. With a long-suffering sigh, she exited the body bag, which was already much too small. " I don't have time for this. I'm leaving. Pray we don't meet again."

The dead woman promptly walked out the door.
Watching Emelia leave, the merchant looked back to the now destroyed body bag. She held it up to Aunn with the utmost seriousness. "The price was five gold. I'll lower it to whatever you want if you take this and agree to never speak of this again."
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Yamato Shimura wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:

Lengua tacos
Barbacoa tacos
Chicken fajitas
Grilled fish tacos
Steak burritos

Each plate comes with Hispanic rice, black beans chips, and salsa.


Yamato has been patiently waiting over a day for his order. he isn't even sure if his order was taken, yet he waits like a gentleman.

(I think I did give you your order)

He brought three orders of Spring rolls out to Yamato

(I might've missed it, mb)

Yamato smiles, thanking the skilled chef as he takes out some money and hands it to him.
"Has anyone seen Andrew?"
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche carefully walked in with his hands tugging on his black and white blouse, he seemed lost.
Blanche (played anonymously)

He scanned the room, looking for the nearest person to speak with.
Blanche decided to head to Theo and gently tap his armor. "Sir.." He spoke with a soft, gentle voice that almost sounded ethereal.

"I'm lost, and very cold.." He looked up at Theo with watery eyes.
"Okay." Theo seems slightly puzzled. "I think you should ask someone else here to help you about that, though. I'm a bit busy at the moment."

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