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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He would step into the bar and glance around before hurrying to a seat at the bar. He grabbed a food menu and looked at it.
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

SECRET however is still taped to the ceiling and now he's been judged for yelling at Hallie, Rina and Moven by Lockelan and Keye. Seriously, bro needs to chill for once in his life.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche's eyes looked away from Theo. "Oh, okay.. Sorry sir.."
He looked for someone else, and decided to walk to Jin and tap him. "Sir, I'm lost, and very cold." He shakily said in almost a whisper.
He looked at the one who approached him before peeling off his blue jacket with the white and gold flames and passing it over. In his thick Japanese accent, he asked "do you drink hot tea?"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi fell from the sky, in a manner akin to Mr. Bean's Intro. This had absolutely nothing to do with her backstory or her powers. Actually, she could probably do this being a five hundred year old fox. A five hundred year old fox who is also a tiny gremlin who has the humor of the average Team Fortress 2 Player.

"Cutesy smol bean,
Tickle tickle toe beans
Fluffy cute, thing
Huggy huggy cute things!"

A choir sung in celebration of her stupid entrance into the bar. This is what it would sound like
Blanche (played anonymously)

Jin Kazama wrote:
He looked at the one who approached him before peeling off his blue jacket with the white and gold flames and passing it over. In his thick Japanese accent, he asked "do you drink hot tea?"

Blanche squeezed his eyes shut tightly upon the jacket being placed on him, then he opened his eyes, adjusted the jacket and spoke up, "I can." He nodded very gently and snuggled close to the jacket.
Manico (played by Reithesniper)

Manico walks over "Child" she said before patting his head and sitting back down"
chilly demon wrote:
Jin Kazama wrote:
He looked at the one who approached him before peeling off his blue jacket with the white and gold flames and passing it over. In his thick Japanese accent, he asked "do you drink hot tea?"

Blanche squeezed his eyes shut tightly upon the jacket being placed on him, then he opened his eyes, adjusted the jacket and spoke up, "I can." He nodded very gently and snuggled close to the jacket.

He ordered two cups of hot tea.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche crawled onto one of the seats beside Jin at the counter, sat down and looked at him with big, glassy eyes as he ordered the hot tea.

He looked absolutely clueless and innocent, much like a baby animal.
He pushed the mug of hot tea in front of the boy. He returned the gaze in his stoic manner.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche carefully took the mug in his hands and equally as carefully took a sip. "Th' you." He thanked him.
He nodded "you're welcome" he said in his Japanese accent.
In a rare change of pace, Isa strides into the bar to use it for its intended purpose: Food and beverages. The eldritch merchant plants herself two seats away from Blanche.
He would come out of the kitchen and look around. He saw Isa and he pointed to a corner. It was now set up as a small gift table for her to sell her wares.

"I did that for you as a barter. In return, I saw a hand-forged chef knife and a Dutch kettle"
He would bring Jin and the boy both a bowl of warm phö along with large plastic spoons and chopsticks.

"Enjoy. It's on the house"
Ms. Charlie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Ms. Charlie would then walk in, looking all tired and all. "Ghh... Hello everyone... god i'm so tired.." Ms. Charlie would say, yawning then leaning back.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He would bring Jin and the boy both a bowl of warm phö along with large plastic spoons and chopsticks.

"Enjoy. It's on the house"

Blanche was surprised of the generosity of both Jin and Mathius.

He didn't expect these.. people, whether human or not, Blanche could not be for certain, as he himself looked not as a demon.. to be so nice.
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

"Hud hudda hud hah!" Pyro starts a small fire to keep Blanche warm.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

chilly demon wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He would bring Jin and the boy both a bowl of warm phö along with large plastic spoons and chopsticks.

"Enjoy. It's on the house"

Blanche was surprised of the generosity of both Jin and Mathius.

He didn't expect these.. people, whether human or not, Blanche could not be for certain, as he himself looked not as a demon.. to be so nice.

Azumi sensed something off about the person she looked at. A demon, she thought to herself. She cautiously approached the person and smiled nervously.

"A-are you one of those good demons?", She asked, then immediately shifted the topic, "Is that your h-human f-form? I can shapeshift t-too!"
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche was very surprised how Azumi saw through his guise.

"Demon?" He said in a gentle voice, "I'm not a demon." His voice cracked, sounding as if he was going to cry.

It was unclear if he was being serious or faking the tears.

(He is a good demon, however, most of the time.)

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