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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

chilly demon wrote:
Blanche was very surprised how Azumi saw through his guise.

"Demon?" He said in a gentle voice, "I'm not a demon." His voice cracked, sounding as if he was going to cry.

It was unclear if he was being serious or faking the tears.

(He is a good demon, however, most of the time.)

"Oh dear", Azumi said and attempted to reach out her hand, but decided against it. She was a divine being, she could not touch anyone who is considered "unholy". If she did, the demon she came in contact to would end up getting a burning sensation and possibly damaging whatever area that was touched. Nevertheless, she has made friends with demons before. Demons such as Oni, who became more benevolent creatures.

"I did not mean to make you cry, sweetie...", She said apologetically, "How about some tofu?"

She materialized a small piece of tofu and offered it to Blanche.
chilly demon wrote:
Blanche was very surprised how Azumi saw through his guise.

"Demon?" He said in a gentle voice, "I'm not a demon." His voice cracked, sounding as if he was going to cry.

It was unclear if he was being serious or faking the tears.

(He is a good demon, however, most of the time.)

"It's quite alright if you brother....he's a redeemed demon."

He was wiping grease off his hands on a kitchen towel.
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche sniffled and looked at the tofu Azumi offered, then gently took it within his hands.

He glanced at Mathius, noting that he didn't seem to mind demons.

Blanche wiped his tears away and carefully took a bite of the tofu, his eyes wet and his nose red.
He would turn his head and look at Blance as he ate the noodle soup (phö).

"The soup is warm"
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche looked at Jin, nodded gently and began using the little plastic spoon to eat the soup with. Even if the noodles didn't quite stay on the spoon like they would chopsticks.
Blanche (played anonymously)

(( OOC -- I love how most of everyone saw Blanche and went "We need to protect and baby this little guy at all costs" 🥺 ))
(My character Drael's adoptive daughter Fumizuki would have taken care of him too)
He went and got Blanche a plastic fork "eat the noodles and meat with this.."
Blanche (played anonymously)

(( OOC -- Aw, how sweet! ))
Blanche (played anonymously)

Blanche took the fork, mumbled something that sounded like a thank you and continued eating quietly. He seemed content.
Jin ate using the chopsticks.
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Brings in some cook books for the chef to use
He saw Silveria and he crossed his arms with a smirk "you don't show up to work, but then you try to butter me up with cook books?"

"I mean it works, don't get me wrong....."
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino woule then be constructing something in the corner, but he's using a TV for the thing he's constructing. I wonder what he's doing?
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

"Been quite busy tracking down and dealing with one of my sons..."
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

The sorcerer has just kicked back and is napping with one eye open, literally. He watches every newcomer going in and out. He actually seems quite bored with no fighting or curses to exorcise.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Yamato Shimura wrote:
The sorcerer has just kicked back and is napping with one eye open, literally. He watches every newcomer going in and out. He actually seems quite bored with no fighting or curses to exorcise.

Azumi does a silly little dance in front of Yamato, expecting him to notice.
Yamato Shimura (played by SoulHeart57)

His other eye opens as he stares at her in utter confusion.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would then walk in as he looked completly normal but his body had changed from a human to a half cat half human * max: well this is not exactly my normal look * he said as he used his hand to wipe some fur down like a cat as he sat at the bar
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Yamato Shimura wrote:
The sorcerer has just kicked back and is napping with one eye open, literally. He watches every newcomer going in and out. He actually seems quite bored with no fighting or curses to exorcise.

Azumi does a silly little dance in front of Yamato, expecting him to notice.

He would applaud Azumi "encore!"

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