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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

Fuu laughed, his fist did strike him, but the damage was minimal "Wow, your quite powerful!" He said grabbing his hand and literally taking him for a spin, jumping into the air, and spinning the saiyan at high speeds, before throwing him into the air "However.. your nowhere in my league" he said "If you'd been taught any other techniques, Im going to ask you to use them"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max cheerd and whood like it was a boxing ring * max: hit them again!
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Fuu wrote:
Fuu laughed, his fist did strike him, but the damage was minimal "Wow, your quite powerful!" He said grabbing his hand and literally taking him for a spin, jumping into the air, and spinning the saiyan at high speeds, before throwing him into the air "However.. your nowhere in my league" he said "If you'd been taught any other techniques, Im going to ask you to use them"

Just as Fuu started to throw him, his tail would wrap around Fuu's arm and he would use the momentum to fling Fuu and he would let out another burst of power to slam his foot into Fuu's stomach and would thrust the kick out to throw Fuu even further. He grinned as he would spin and land on the ground before hitting another shot of power before he would strike Fuu with a double-fist strike. He was only reading his power in short bursts.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max was amazed watcing all of this going down * max: oh wow this is like a kick ass like anime battle * he said watching closly *
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

"That transformation is a problem-" he muttered "Shamefully, I did ask for this" he said, powering up again and disappraring obviously concealed, suddenly Oniyan is hit with a prettty clean uppercut, as fuu revealed himself only a moment later launching a large ball of Ki at Oniyan
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He gave a cold grin before swatting the ki blast back at Fuu before firing a ki blast of his own to increase the power and speed of the blast.
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Wasn't there a "No fighting" rule in the bar, or are people just going to ignore the rules?"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would then randomly appear on the TV. "Boo! I'm on the TV! So, i'm on the TV because my stomach was acting funny, so i'm just at home but, this TV will still be a sign that i'm lurking here while using this TV. Also, i decided to wear some yellow stuff, don't mind that."

Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

Fu pulled a blade from his side, and sliced through time sending the Ki blast to the dimension of swirling lights "Eh.. Its just sparring; but I think Ive seen enough" he said, before appearing behind oniyan and chopping his shoulder which mostly just knocked him out of his form sending him to the ground "The battle is over, it is done"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"also yeah, my face is also kinda stuck on the tv screen so uh, this might be an issue-" Fake Peppino then said before sighing deep. "Well.. guess i'm stuck here at home until my stomach gets better."
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Five teleported into the bar, Delores in his arms.
"Really? No fighting rule? About time, I've seen so many fights here and been in a few of them." He said.
Fuu (played by Reithesniper)

He walked over to Five... "Your remind me of a time patroller..-" he said
Jacob and Esau (played anonymously)

Jacob would then be walking in the place, dragging a unconscious Esau who has been impaled by.. 49 arrows.

Jacob: "Does anyone hear a doctor?"
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Five raised a brow at Fuu, "Oh?"
"In a good way, I hope."
He went outside and shouted "if my bar gets messed up, I'll beat the hell out of both of you. When you're done, come in for some house special sushi"
FrostNova wrote:
"Wasn't there a "No fighting" rule in the bar, or are people just going to ignore the rules?"

"They're outside, so I'll let it slide"
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Fuu wrote:
Fu pulled a blade from his side, and sliced through time sending the Ki blast to the dimension of swirling lights "Eh.. Its just sparring; but I think Ive seen enough" he said, before appearing behind oniyan and chopping his shoulder which mostly just knocked him out of his form sending him to the ground "The battle is over, it is done"

He would catch the chop and would bounce and he would instantly go back into his base form "okay, Doctor Shinkan!" He landed and went and picked up Piano and went inside and sat.
Five Hargreeves (played anonymously)

Five glanced at Mathius and snickered.
"Don't take no shit do you? I like that."

He looked at Delores for a moment with a soft, gentle, loving look and then set her down on a nearby chair.
Five Hargreeves wrote:
Five glanced at Mathius and snickered.
"Don't take no shit do you? I like that."

He looked at Delores for a moment with a soft, gentle, loving look and then set her down on a nearby chair.

"I'm in charge here, plus if you can beat a guy who can, 'punch' a black hole closed, can run faster than instant teleportation, can move planets with his mind, not much intimidates you"
Zero (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Five Hargreeves wrote:
Five glanced at Mathius and snickered.
"Don't take no shit do you? I like that."

He looked at Delores for a moment with a soft, gentle, loving look and then set her down on a nearby chair.

"I'm in charge here, plus if you can beat a guy who can, 'punch' a black hole closed, can run faster than instant teleportation, can move planets with his mind, not much intimidates you"

"Might I remind you that you have a security guard?", Zero smiled and pointed at himself, "I can deal with 'em"

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