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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Just make sure they're not made of chocolate", Ren said to Azumi.

"Why must you worry about that? I am a spirit! Whatever chemicals chocolate has shouldn't affect me!", Azumi giggled at Ren

Then she thought of something. She grabbed Ren by the wrist and pulled him near Fumizuki.

"I think we could make a bigger batch with my son helping us out!", She smiled

"What?! Come on!", Ren groaned.
Fumizuki wrote:
"I know how to make cupcakes. Miss Eugen taught me." Fumizuki finishes studying the recipe. "Although you can help if you want, Uncle Mathius."

"I most certainly will"
MOVED TO OTHER CHARACTERS (played anonymously)

There seems to be someone here, but they cannot be seen.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max walks into the bar smoking from a old school wizard pipe * max: hay did i miss much while i was gone * he chuckled *
Fumizuki carries the supplies she needs to make the cupcakes into the kitchen.
He made sure tonwatch over Fumizuki.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ben Hargreeves wrote:
There seems to be someone here, but they cannot be seen.

Azumi sniffs out the presence of the invisible individual.

"Hm?", She said looking at what appeared to be nothing. She then shrugged before having Ren assist her and Fumizuki in making cupcakes.
He wouldn't do much except for operating the stand mixer for Azumi and Fumizuki
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max watches as everything ges down as he takes acasinal puffs from his old wizerd * max: so whats everyone doing
Sephiroth (played by Jaws)

Clang! A sound of a sword dropped amongst the other weapons in the weapon box. The man still had his hand raised and looked around at the partons. He wondered why they were for, perhaps to lounge or drown their sorrows. He walked with stride towards a table in the middle of the bar and sat down.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max had saw the new comer walk into the bar and hearing the sword clang with the others being the nice person he is he gets up and walked over to the table* max: howdy there new friend how are you * he said with accasonal drags from his wizerd pipe
After finishing making the cupcakes, Fumizuki packages them into a nice little box. "This should be perfect." She goes off to deliver them to the woman she met while trick or treating.
"Be safe Fumizuki, and come right back. Your father will kill me along with 6 other planets if anything happens to you"
Zero (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Be safe Fumizuki, and come right back. Your father will kill me along with 6 other planets if anything happens to you"

"My daughter's an adult now, y'know? Already miss her little shenanigans when she was seven...", Zero smiled at Mathius before changing the topic.

"Say", Zero said to Mathius, "You seem wise. Know anything about magic, particularly spirits? Azumi keeps talking about how she is one, being made up of magic instead of biological cells"

He checked the security ARGUS Cameras on his phone before looking back.

"It's pretty odd, thought she was just some weird scientific experiment from a lab, mutant ninja turtles style, not an actual mythical creature from japan"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"That's not very nice!", Azumi pouted at Zero and slapped him with her tails

"Geez, I was just joking...", Zero chuckled in response. The Rainbow operator did not seem to take the fox spirit seriously. Well, with her soft features and small stature, not many would really take her seriously unless they knew about the powers of kitsune.

"Why do you need to know about magic anyway?", Azumi tilted her head, " Do you need it to defeat some terrorists?"

"Perceptive as ever, little miss", He said. Saying "little miss" only got him slapped again by her tails.
Zero wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Be safe Fumizuki, and come right back. Your father will kill me along with 6 other planets if anything happens to you"

"My daughter's an adult now, y'know? Already miss her little shenanigans when she was seven...", Zero smiled at Mathius before changing the topic.

"Say", Zero said to Mathius, "You seem wise. Know anything about magic, particularly spirits? Azumi keeps talking about how she is one, being made up of magic instead of biological cells"

He checked the security ARGUS Cameras on his phone before looking back.

"It's pretty odd, thought she was just some weird scientific experiment from a lab, mutant ninja turtles style, not an actual mythical creature from japan"

"Yeah, Azumi is a divine entity. Don't let her cuteness fool you. She may be small and adorable, but she could scorch half this planet with minimal effort if she wanted to."

He wiped his hands on his kitchen towel.
Konan Matasuba (played anonymously)

Konan enters the bar, having barely escaped a few marines, mostly cause she actually forgets how strong she can be-

She looks about and decides to sit in a booth

Relaxation at last; anyways, she mostly just vibes in the corner
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk in like usual but noticed the new person sitting by them self relaxing he dicided to go and meet the new person so he goes to said booth where konan was * max: howdy there friend i dont think ive seen you here befor * he said with a warm smile *
Konan Matasuba (played anonymously)

Konan initially barely noticed him, but apon realizing he was there she smiled

"Well.. your not dressed like a marine, and you dont act like one" she said
"Im Konan, it is a pleasure to meet you" she said
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: hehe well i rather be mistuken for a marine then a dea agent * he chuckled * max: but its a plesuer to meet you konan mind if i sit with ya

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