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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"You must be an oddball among your species..." Granted, she mused that to herself, but still.
"Given that she's a deity, she can be that. There's not much they can't do. I should know. I'm in a romantic relationship with one" he said wiping corn flour from his hands before putting out the sign

**********DAY SPECIALS*********

Steak and bean burritos
Chicken or steal tostadas
Beef lengua tacos

All tortillas are made fresh in-house

All orders come with chips and salsa or bean dip

Guacamole is free and avaliable upon request
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I know about deities, considering my task in life was to slay one. It was not without a great cost of life, however."
Conquest (played anonymously)

This stupid Embodiment cant contain herself

Walking in from a large door that matched her energy.. which is oddly focused on burrito!

She humgy
He looked at Conquest
Conquest (played anonymously)

She sat down, at the counter
She tapped the counter, as she thought about her order

"Excuse me, can I get a beef and bean burrito?" Shed ask with her slightly echoing voice
("Ooo I can get salsa dip too..?")

"With specifcally Salsa dip!"
The chef grinned before dipping back into the kitchen to begin the process.
Conquest (played anonymously)

Conquest waited suprisingly patiently, she inspected the bar, seemingly interested where this place actually is-
Metroplex (played by randomentity777)

Metroplex sits outside of the bar in his city mode, since he probably can't fit inside.
He sensed Metroplex and he grinned. The human saying "this town's not big enough for the both of us" went through his mind.
Trailbreaker (played by randomentity777)

"Metroplex is quite something, isn't he? We had to build an entire spaceship just to transport him from Cybertron."
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito glanced over his shoulder, eyes looking strained from lack of quality sleep as he took look at the new guests which were… some sort of highly advanced robots? That was new to him but he then looked around at the others in the bar and shrugged, seemingly unsurprised by what species and walks of life came in anymore.
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

Huh, Didn't think Potemkin had friends...
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Sol Badguy wrote:
Huh, Didn't think Potemkin had friends...
Azumi still wore her May cosplay and tilted her head towards Sol while hugging her Blahaj plushie

"What's a... potemkin?", She asks obliviously, "Is it a type of tofu?".
Trailbreaker wrote:
"Metroplex is quite something, isn't he? We had to build an entire spaceship just to transport him from Cybertron."

"I could imagine! Sheesh....."
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Sol Badguy wrote:
Huh, Didn't think Potemkin had friends...
Azumi still wore her May cosplay and tilted her head towards Sol while hugging her Blahaj plushie

"What's a... potemkin?", She asks obliviously, "Is it a type of tofu?".

He couldn't help but chuckle
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk into the bar yawning as he wanted to sleep more * max: morning everyone
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito nodded towards Max, tail swaying softly as he laid his head down at an empty table.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: morning vito you seem tierd * he chuckled taking a seat next to him *
Conquest (played anonymously)

Conquest, doin a conquest

In other words shes probably playing animal crossing

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