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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Conquest (played anonymously)

She walked over with her burrito, and halves it, and passing a half to Max, "This is a thousand times healthier" she said "Or thats how I assume human biology works"
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito, to get away from all the sound, crawled almost like a lizard up the wall to one of the above rafters, lounging comfortably as he laid his head down, resting for a little bit as he remained balanced on the beam.
He smiled and slipped back into the kitchen.
Aumu and Anata wrote:
Aumu stood outside the bar with Anata silently by his side. "Too bad." He stated.
"Now, if you do want a place you can do that inside, I have a business in-mind." He said, referring to his opium den.

He looked straight at Mathius from the doorway. "Not to take business away from you, of course." He winked, but it was clear it was sarcasm.

Was Aumu wanting to become the rival of Trixie's Bar??

He nodded. He really wasn't bothered being that he was only the chef, which put him in charge of the kitchen, placing orders, doing inventory, and placing orders. He hired a few people, but those were within his charge to run the kitchen and making food.
Conquest wrote:
She walked over with her burrito, and halves it, and passing a half to Max, "This is a thousand times healthier" she said "Or thats how I assume human biology works"

He brought out more chips and the guacamole.

"Guacamole is free"
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito watched all the bar-goers tiredly, tail swaying from the rafters. He didn't quite let his guard as he slowly fell asleep, still wary of the others.
Zero (played by Revereen)

Zero is busy checking the cameras once more. Why he had relegated himself to such a mundane job when he was busy tracking down Deimos, he did not know. Maybe because he heard a man go, "O cholera czy to freddy fazbear? Ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur ur"
"Guacamole? What is it?" Nightshade seemed curious about the whole concept of human food.
Zero (played by Revereen)

Nightshade wrote:
"Guacamole? What is it?" Nightshade seemed curious about the whole concept of human food.
"An avocado-based mixture", Zero said, "It's got lime juice and cilantro"

He looked at his cameras briefly before saying, "Though I dunno if synthetic organisms like you can eat the stuff. It is pretty tasty, however"
"Well, I'm a Terran, a type of Transformer that was created on Earth." Nightshade explained. "I sustain myself off of water that flows from the cave where the Emberstone which created me resides, as opposed to energon like other Transformers do." They listen intently as Zero describes guacamole to them. "I'm Nightshade, by the way."
Zero (played by Revereen)

Nightshade wrote:
"Well, I'm a Terran, a type of Transformer that was created on Earth." Nightshade explained. "I sustain myself off of water that flows from the cave where the Emberstone which created me resides, as opposed to energon like other Transformers do." They listen intently as Zero describes guacamole to them. "I'm Nightshade, by the way."

"Call me Zero. I'm an Operator from Rainbow Six", He smiled, "Squad is called Ghosteyes, but I don't lead it. A woman who goes by the callsign 'Caveira' does"
Conquest (played anonymously)

"Robot" She said, munching on her burrito... although busy munching she was amazed by these Terran, and of course the Other transformers

(Of course she sees everyone like a toy, living things included)
Hoshiguma (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Nightshade wrote:
"Well, I'm a Terran, a type of Transformer that was created on Earth." Nightshade explained. "I sustain myself off of water that flows from the cave where the Emberstone which created me resides, as opposed to energon like other Transformers do." They listen intently as Zero describes guacamole to them. "I'm Nightshade, by the way."

"I guess that means multiple Terrans are here--Though don't get me wrong, I don't hail from the same planet as you."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk in cold and tierd * max: dame this morning sucks * he said hitting a vape pen that had wax in it *
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

Potemkin... Yeah, It's Tofu, I guess...
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

"Yoohoo, Mathius! I came for my sweet run!" The vampire made her dramatic entrance by shouting.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: well then thats one hell of a entrince * he chuckled seeing keiko burt into the place *
Hoshiguma (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I’ve seen more flashier entrances, that’s for sure.”
He smiled "hey Keiko! You and Sapphic Cherries ready to do your show? That other band is ready to schedule the show"
Allister (played anonymously)

Allister carefully stepped into the bar, one hand on his mask and the other holding onto the doorframe.
He already began feeling overwhelmed by all the people there.

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