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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He smiled "hey Keiko! You and Sapphic Cherries ready to do your show? That other band is ready to schedule the show"

"We are ready for the scheduling." Keiko sat at her usual spot at the bar counter. "What time is the other band planning to play?", she asked. "And surprise me with a dessert, please."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: hehe you make it sound like hes your servent * he laughed a little *
“Everyone at some point has a boss, you know.”
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito wakes up from his nap and drops from the rafter and landing on his feet. "Don't mind me, just dropping in~" He quipped as he went the counter. "Mr. Chef, what do you have for drinks?"
Nemuru Karashima (played anonymously)

"Correct, I have one too" she said riding in on a large golem
She happy :)
"Firstly, it's Mathius, and secondly, alcohol or non-alcoholic?"
Vito (played by st4rz)

"Apologies and whatever you suggest is best for keeping somebody up for days on end." Vito grumbles, unintentionally sounding rude due to his grogginess.
Magmatron (played by randomentity777)

Ch'en Hui-chieh wrote:
“Everyone at some point has a boss, you know.”

"That is true, even for me." The massive Predacon seems quite relieved to have admitted that. "But I no longer need the Tripredacus Council, for I have grander ambitions."
"And you are?"
Vito wrote:
"Apologies and whatever you suggest is best for keeping somebody up for days on end." Vito grumbles, unintentionally sounding rude due to his grogginess.

"A quadruple-shot of our house-blend espresso!"

He would look at Magmatron and he would shoot a telepathic message to his fellow members of Fate's Circle, simply saying "I might have a problem. Standby..."
Vito (played by st4rz)

Vito nodded in response as he pulled up a stool at the counter, his tail wrapping itself around one of the legs of the stool.
He started making Vito his quadruple shot of house blend.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

"So..." Her words are a tad bit incoherent because of the bite of cake she stuffed into her mouth. "Where do you would be a great place to set up?", she asked Mathius. Keiko stabbed her slice of cake again with her fork and held it near her mouth, awaiting for a response.
Magmatron (played by randomentity777)

Ch'en Hui-chieh wrote:
"And you are?"

"I am Magmatron, the Predacon Emperor of Destruction!"
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

"Some strong mana is coming from here-" she said, riding in on her broom "I... oh come on, how do I keep ending up back here-" she grumbles

"Weird robot too-" she thought to herself
Dante (played by FictionDragonborn)

*enters in* Lovely place.
Dante (played by FictionDragonborn)

Looks like I'm seeing a lot of New faces here today...
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

"Admittedly a lot of these people might be new to me" she said to Dante, who she hadnt noticed apon arrival seeing they arrived at the same time

"Your an interesting face, whats your name?"
Dante (played by FictionDragonborn)

Name's Dante. And you are?

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Darth_Angelus