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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Please refrain from hitting my boss."
Company (played by Reithesniper)

Aggles (played by Jooters)

He slinks back in, seeming frustrated again, fixing his mask. He mutters under his breath as he sits down. The clothes he is wearing are way too big for him, but he cautiously makes sure not to step on his pant legs too much or grab anything with his sleeves.

"Screw inter-dimensional train schedules..." He mumbles quietly.
Emperor (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Ain't that the truth."
He went into the kitchen to start cleaning.
Sol walked into the bar under the guise of an attractive human with long black hair and brown eyes that appeared nearly black. She looked around for anyone who seemed overly... impressionable.
Emperor (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Hate to be that guy but you ain't foolin' me with that guise, homie."
Aggles (played by Jooters)

"uh-uhm... M-mister bartender... Mind if I get something to drink? I was late to my train and the next one comes tomorrow..." The kid asks meekly.
He emerged from the kitchen and brought the boy a soda with a smile. He ruffled the boy's hair before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Aggles (played by Jooters)

He looks at the drink confused, having never seen one before. He looks it over a bit and hears as it fizzes... Is this some sort of evil magic potion?! He gives it a sniff... Oooh! A nice smelling evil magic potion!
He takes a small sip... Before drinking the rest in two great gulps.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk in with a cigarette joint as he would take occasional puffs from it sitting at a empty table near the back so not to bother anyone with his smoke * max: morning everyone anything interesting happen?
Company (played by Reithesniper)

Company is standing on a chair hitting a spider that is WAAYYY to big, with a shovel.. for some reason it wont just knock the chair down-
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would then take a knife he had and stab and try stabbing the spider directly into its brain and after a good sec it went in far enough making the spider squiel befor going silent * max: dam spiders can’t live with them and you can’t live without them huh
He sighed and he sat down to rest. It was clear that he was exhausted being that he had to operate everything. He was grateful for Zero, but he couldn't ask Zero for help in the kitchen and at the bar. He massaged his temples.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: hay marhius you need a drink you seem dead tierd * be chuckled looking over at him *
"I'm just overtired. I appreciate Zero and Peppino, but running this place is tiring....I also miss my lover"

He sighed and rubbed his face "well, she's a deity, so I imagined I wouldn't be able to see her daily, but it still gets to me. My son is the only reason I haven't gone mad"
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Why not venture into space for a while, the vast emptiness is pretty calming
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I'm just overtired. I appreciate Zero and Peppino, but running this place is tiring....I also miss my lover"

He sighed and rubbed his face "well, she's a deity, so I imagined I wouldn't be able to see her daily, but it still gets to me. My son is the only reason I haven't gone mad"

"Looks like you need help!", Azumi smiled.

"Mom, your profile pic hasn't changed, so you're still in your human form?", Ren said just as his mother taught him to break the fourth wall... they're all gonna do this one day aren't they?

"Of course, being in my short true form does not help when I do chores!", Azumi giggled, "Now where do we start?"

((I'm gonna keep Azumi in her human form for a while lol))
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: gosh that sounds like somthing out of my range of helping to be hoenst why dont you take a brake for a week or two im sure this place will just get the normal amount of weirdness it usually gets you know
He's got a point there.

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