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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Aggles (played by Jooters)

"CAN I PLAY CAN I PLAY?!" 'Aggles' asks excitedly as he jumps up from his seat.
Sol looks at Aggles disdainfully as she waits for Company
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Sure kid, throw on this space suit" she said throwing a space suit at him that's way too big, she didn't wanna endanger a child's life... she could get sued for that

"I wanna offer you a once in a lifetime chance (not really) to get nearly endlessly supplied cash!" she laughed "All you need to do, is put on a space suit and sign this waiver of non disclosure for the things you WILL see and this other waiver that doesnt let your family sue me incase you die!
Aggles (played by Jooters)

He takes his staff out and shrinks the suit to his proper size and proportions before putting it on and standing confidently, somehow, his mask staying on.
"How do I look? I know how I feel, and it's awesome!" Aggles exclaims. "It's always been mine - and everyone from my land's dreams to actually see the stars!"

He then summons a quill and inkwell before signing his name.
"Soooo when do we start?"
Sol laughs and accepts a glass of wine from the bartender. "Cute," she replies. "But I don't do space." Her nose wrinkles a little. "However, I wouldn't turn my nose up at someone as fine as you." She smiles disarmingly at Company.
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Thank you!" the bowed her head at her, appreciating the compliment "And please, unwrinkle your nose." she said "But, I can get you a cushy office job, and you just have to scan moons with satellites!" she wasnt given up, albeit a bit disheartened by her refusal
Aggles (played by Jooters)

"I know a thing or two about moons..." The kid says as he grows a smirk on his round face.

He pulls out his staff and holds a crystal up to his chest, the latter crumbling to dust and encircles him in a blue glow. He raises the staff up and a small moon appears behind him, about as large as he is (4 feet.) He moves his staff forwards as a captain would with his sword as he leads his men into battle and the moon shoots forwards - starting slow, but quickly picking up speed. It twists up towards the ceiling and explodes into a giant magical burst, knocking dust everywhere, blowing most of the customer's hair back, and lighting up the room in a blue light.

Aggles eyes light up with confidence at his big display of awesome magical power.
Topspin (played by randomentity777)

"Roadbuster wrote:
"But we're no juss cyborgs from a fac-try. Topspin is me best mate and we're from Cybertron. We're here tae kick Deception ****. As far as ya shovel hittin, ya need tae find ye a hobby, laddie" the Autobot said in his thick Scottish accent.

"Yup. By the way, have ya seen Leadfoot around anywhere? Doesn't feel right without the full trio of Wreckers."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Solaphos the Sexy Succubus wrote:
Sol laughs and accepts a glass of wine from the bartender. "Cute," she replies. "But I don't do space." Her nose wrinkles a little. "However, I wouldn't turn my nose up at someone as fine as you." She smiles disarmingly at Company.

* max would slid inbetween the two talking * max: you know what nither am I maybe you two have fun and me and missy here chat with some fine wine * he said trying to be smooth like a 80s wing man or something *
Company (played by Reithesniper)

She casually opens her mouth as multiple tentacles would fly out and would activly rob Max.. before pulling the objects inside her body "Im busy, human, not now :D"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: ay man that’s my shit give it back and I was talking about me and the succubus actually * he said in a slight panic as she just robbed everything he had *
Topspin (played by randomentity777)

"Roady…did you see that too?"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Can it tin cans * max chuckled to himself after a second to realize what he said * max: hehe sorry I don’t mean to make a pun * he said looking over at them for a sec befor back at the girl *
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"You can have your phone and wallet... and your weed but Im keeping half" she said, as the tentacles carried out said items
Aggles (played by Jooters)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: half the weed or the money in my wallet? Becouse I’ll let you take ether of them just not half my phone * he chuckled he said taking his thanks back from the tentacles *
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"The weed.. Im selling it later" she said, retracting her.. "Tongue" putting the phone and wallet in his hand.. along with half the weed
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: well atleast try it it’s special i grinded up 5 vary potent strains together so atleast smoke some of it befor you self it and I ask for half the money couse I’m technically letting you have the half * he said crossing his arms with a grin *
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"No." She said, not really doing anything extra.. except donking him with a shovel
Company wrote:
She casually opens her mouth as multiple tentacles would fly out and would activly rob Max.. before pulling the objects inside her body "Im busy, human, not now :D"

He spoke to her in her mind from the kitchen "I saw that. Give it back"

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