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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Get an entity infinitely fast to board up every door with an infinite amount of wood, since their infinitely fast as long as that space exists they might be able to cross the distance of infinity"
Frostleaf (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"And I doubt any company is going to just let you do that without asking questions first."
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Oh definitely not, cost too much-"
He came from downstairs out of one of the guest rooms. He seemed refreshed and rested.
Spawn (played by FictionDragonborn)

Company wrote:
She crouch walks over to spawn, and pokes him

... What is it?
"She's trying to be friendly, Mr. Simmons"
Company (played by Reithesniper)

"Possible friend, want this?-"
Shes holding up a Hoarding bug, in its passive state
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is carrying what seems to be a small terrarium with a sticker labelled "Tarantula for sale". Inside is a live mexican fireleg tarantula.

"I told that boy I forbade him from ever getting such dangerous animals!", Azumi told herself angrily, clearly referring to Ren if anyone knew her well enough.
Spawn (played by FictionDragonborn)

... Thanks.
Enjou (played by Jaws)

The scholar took a good look at the tarantula in its cage. "Hmm..this is the Mexican Fireleg, right?"
(( I am such a fan of tarantulas. ))
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Enjou wrote:
The scholar took a good look at the tarantula in its cage. "Hmm..this is the Mexican Fireleg, right?"
(( I am such a fan of tarantulas. ))

"Indeed it is!", Azumi said, "Honestly, I fail to understand how my son hid this thing from me, but I digress. 10 dollars for it. I think that's how much he got it for. My son said something about it being pretty young"
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

"Dont sell the boys pet, honestly might be a little disappointed in you." She said floating back in on her broom "Hes a capable young man, itll be fine"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Honey wrote:
"Dont sell the boys pet, honestly might be a little disappointed in you." She said floating back in on her broom "Hes a capable young man, itll be fine"

"But he could get hurt...", Azumi insisted for a few moments before sighing heavily, "I did promise him he could own such animals back in his childhood. As a fox spirit, I cannot go against my promises. Fine, I shall not sell his pet..."

She then turned to Enjou, "Apologies, my friend. I do not think I shall be selling my son's tarantula"
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

She walks over "Azumi, if you worry for his safety Im sure it wont crawl out to bite the hand that feeds-"

"Also arent tarantula's super shy or something?-"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren rushed ridiculously and quickly to the bar, only to find his mother, who gave back the terrarium.

"Promise me...", She paused, expecting a response from Ren

"That I will be diligent and stuff, I get it mom. I did my research anyway, these things can't kill a human!"

He then looked at his tarantula, who seemed rather distressed by the whole situation. After all, it is not exactly aware of what was happening, it just wants a few crickets.

"Don't worry, Jangles", Ren smiled at the arachnid, "Let's get you back home!"

Ren then left the bar, leaving Azumi sulking slightly.

"Honestly, that child...", She trailed off before munching on a piece of tofu she materialized.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Honey wrote:
She walks over "Azumi, if you worry for his safety Im sure it wont crawl out to bite the hand that feeds-"

"Also arent tarantula's super shy or something?-"

"Yes, he told me that", Azumi smiled, "I guess he did tell me he had no plans to handle it. It seems he is just as careful as I am"
Honey (played by Reithesniper)

She digs through her bag
"Ok Im gonna go practice barrier magic-" she said going to a booth, and beginning to test small barrier constructs
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk in with his hair pomade in a ponytail as he was wearing a striped button up and some kakis as he had a inocent look on his face *

max: god vless this morning to you all how is everyone this morning * he said sounding like a pretcher *
"Ren.....would you mind finishing that Burning Gundam kit in the back booth?" He asked
Enjou (played by Jaws)

He returned back to his little cozy nook. The scholar thought he could practice his calligraphy more.

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