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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would walk up to mathius* max: good morning mathus what a lovly day it is in this cafe * he said with a soft chuckle * max: exscuse me bar * he would say trying to act really diffrent then he normally does*
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

*smokes a cigar*
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would gasp * max: sir you cant smoke in here there are CHILDREN HERE * he said over exaderating *
"He looks at Max tobacco and marijuana are two different things, Max."
Aggles (played by Jooters)

Still asleep, the side of his head on the side of a table. He can be heard purring between snores and mumbling about cake and doughnuts.
Company (played by Reithesniper)

She bonks Sol "Either way it smells-" she said before running off
Mine Laru Query (played by Jooters)

"Most people here smell anyways!" He says before cackling at his own joke.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: ok so im going to quit the bullshit act here lets list the cons of both ok tobacco causes lung cancer and gum dises and second-hand smoke can give children asthma and which that's ok here in this cafe because its certainly not a bar anymore and it can be nauseating and ciggerets/ cigars don't help with anything pot thought can smell nice help with anxiety and almost any form of troma and yes it does mess with your lungs but certainly not as much as tobacco can and it can make people in a better mood unlike cigarettes/cigars so i want to know why tabacco is fine but not pot * he said undoing the bullshit clothes he had on and put his normal jacket on and took the pony tail out
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

The whole bar smells anyways. What's The point?
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: my point is is why do i get nabbed at if i light one and you dont * he said taking a seat as his face was nealy red at this point
Iblis Corniger Pulchra (played anonymously)

(( Hey, Max! I don't think it's the mention of drugs itself that's bothering the people of Trixie's Bar. I think it's the constant mention of it in each post. :)
Maybe cut back on mentioning it some! <3 ))
( well i mean i don't tend to purposely mention it i mean what else do you do in a bar drink and smoke so i mean im not making every other response about pot i didn't even mention him smoking yesterday i made him gave statistics and facts and was very criticized about it to where i suggested anyone to give him ideas of what to do nobody suggested anything so i mean I'm not sure what else you want him to do lol
Artemis Fowl (played by twistedvictorian)

Artemis was typing on his laptop, focused and using some kind of meditation method to block out the voices of the people talking around him.
Company (played by Reithesniper)

Company again smacks Sol "Still-"

She then rolls back over to where I assume Liskarm is-
Iblis Corniger Pulchra (played anonymously)

(( Well, you mentioned your character likes video-games, and his van, perhaps spark a conversation involving those things instead? :) ))
Percy Estrada (played by Jaws)

The frubatta was eating a pomegranate by picking seeds and popping them into his mouth. Percy then offered half of the fruit he haven't touch to the nearest person.
Aggles (played by Jooters)

He wakes up slowly and stretches while yawning. He looks around and looks up to the clock before his eyes open wide and he drops to his knees... He slept in too late.
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I'm guessing you slept in a little too late."
Artemis Fowl (played by twistedvictorian)

Artemis closed the lid on his laptop and tapped the table with his fingers for a moment, thinking hard about something.
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

Aggles wrote:
He wakes up slowly and stretches while yawning. He looks around and looks up to the clock before his eyes open wide and he drops to his knees... He slept in too late.

Morning Kiddo.

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