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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He perked a brow and looked at Ragna "knock on the door of a place open to the public?
Wait, It was open the entire time? Damn. My mistake.
He chucked "it's quite alright"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"You there, little boy!" She points to Mathius. "Waddya want for Christmas?"
VIska Eliksni (played by Reithesniper)

Twyla wrote:
VIska Eliksni wrote:
She shakes her head "Absolutely not, my first time here-"
"Sounds really sugary-"

"Newbieeesss! Woohoo!" Twyla exclaimed enthusiastically after taking a sip. The drink was SUPPPERRR FIZZZYYY, almost like electricity in her mouth. "That hits the spot. Let's enjoy the holidays, yeah?" She smiled at VIska and everyone else.

"Maybe I should, afterall Im on vacation-" she said, chuckling, hoping she could keep up with this wonans energy
He goes and he sits on Geki's knee "I want a whale! A real whale! I want a TV and a bike too, Santa!" He put a fresh-baked chocolate and peanut butter chip sandwich in her mouth as he laughed and went back to the kitchen. He sighed "I wish my son was here. He's a better baker than me"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Currently Summoning "The Jolly One" in the store room, muttering something about finally beating skeletron

probably tryna get Drael something for Christmas-
He sensed his son and he would smile.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish drags in a lot of bones, and a purple katana "I need a few more swords but whatever-" he said "Hey dad" he said smiling and going over to hug his father, the boy is clearly taking to the adventure side of life, but knowing him, hes probably done most of the fighting by cheesing it with spells

"Father I got something, its just silly but I think they'll help you, Its not super big but it gives you someone to talk to when your alone in the kitchen-" he said dropping the sword and rushing out, giggling
Reminds me of the time I spent christmas with Raggy and the others.
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

"Hmmhm hmhmmmmf!"* Pyro is wearing a Santa hat, and is ready to be festive.
*Translation: "Merry Christmas!"
"Hey think maybe you could get the fireplace going for toasted marshmallows?"

He started handing out skewers and individual bags of marshmallows. He would first hug his son aka his pride and joy.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish smiled, greeted with marshmallows, and a hug from his father "Away, thank you father, but here take this" he smiled, setting a cage covered in cloth on the counter, hes a just a little fellow, an orange parakeet :3
Pyro (played by randomentity777)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Hey think maybe you could get the fireplace going for toasted marshmallows?"

He started handing out skewers and individual bags of marshmallows. He would first hug his son aka his pride and joy.

"Yefh." Pyro gathers a pile of small logs, soaks them in gasoline, then sets the whole thing on fire with a match.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi woke up at the words, "Merry" and " Christmas". The little gremlin continued to chase her tails out of excitement.

"Christmas, christmas, christmas", She paused to inhale deeply before spreading her arms wide and letting out a squeal.

Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Someone stop my mom, please. She's getting the christmas zoomies...", Ren groaned as she watched Azumi run around.
Magmatron (played by randomentity777)

"I hope I get some Angolmois Capsules for Christmas…"
He came out wearing an apron with Maximals symbol on the front as a taunt to Magmatron.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi woke up at the words, "Merry" and " Christmas". The little gremlin continued to chase her tails out of excitement.

"Christmas, christmas, christmas", She paused to inhale deeply before spreading her arms wide and letting out a squeal.


He ran around with her seemingly infected with his friend's zoomies, having a case of his own zoomies. He made several laps before crashing at Azumi's feet presenting her with his belly.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi smiled and rubbed Thor's belly.

"Merry christmas, my dear!", Azumi smiled, "I'll have Ren give you dog-safe beef jerky!"

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