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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Magmatron (played by randomentity777)

"Hmmm?" Magmatron opens the present. "Angolmois Capsules? That's perfect. Soon I shall be unstoppable!"
Torca (played by randomentity777)

He would casually intercept the whale and he would perk a brow and look at Mathius.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish spots Drael, "Uncle Drael, I brought you a big sword" he said, dragging a present from under the tree that shouldnt fit in the first place pushing the large sword over "Got it on a living planet, the inhabitants call the weapon a Zenith-"
He lifted the sword and flourished it with a grin. He placed a box in Wish's hands. The box was made from stained Thaxian mahogany. Inside was a professional-grade baker's kit.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish squealed, and ran to the kitchen.. yall wont see him for a while
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi starts playing "Disaster of Passion" on her guitar, accompanied by Ren on the drums. Where and how he found a drum set lying around the bar, no one knew, not even Ren himself.

"An off-season swallow, so that's me
Non-stop love song
I will follow you wherever you go
I can't wait to catch up before the sun sleeps
Not if you're short of breath
I'm the disaster of passion!"
Sol Badguy (played by FictionDragonborn)

Twyla Bishop (played anonymously)

Twyla was down for the count as she could no longer hold her liquor. She snapped her fingers, summoning a magic bag in her hand, and barfed a ton of sparkling rainbows. "Such a...bad...idea..." She grunted. And just like that, the bag disappeared as she dropped to the floor tired and drunk. …. ( 𖦹‸𖦹)..
Knew it.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Not uncommon for a bar."
Halloween Town (played anonymously)

Knock knock. A small Jack O'Lantern enters the bar in search of someone. He then sees the drunk young witch, TWYLA, on the floor. He sighs and starts communicating with everyone through a bunch of cards. They say: "Hello. I am Jack, a representative from Hallow Academy. Apologies for one of our students. She ran off way past her curfew. I'll be taking her now if you do not mind. Sorry again for the trouble. Thank you." With that, he quickly ties her up and drags her out of the bar...
*sighs* Good Grief...
"I.......need a vacation"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish appeared, covered in flour "Your wish I my command!" He smiled, going into something of a purse, and pulling out a plane ticket, "Its a ticket for a time machine, youll he allowed to visit the more beautiful and of course peaceful times in the future, personally I myself perfer the end of time, cause it stops just before and the universe is so beautiful!-"

"(Wait can you breath without oxygen, father?"
What is even happening.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

Vergil wrote:
What is even happening.

"I have no idea."
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I.......need a vacation"

"Pandora is nice this time of year."
Wish wrote:
Wish appeared, covered in flour "Your wish I my command!" He smiled, going into something of a purse, and pulling out a plane ticket, "Its a ticket for a time machine, youll he allowed to visit the more beautiful and of course peaceful times in the future, personally I myself perfer the end of time, cause it stops just before and the universe is so beautiful!-"

"(Wait can you breath without oxygen, father?"

"I was born in space" he chuckled.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Perfection, take some time alone at unironically the end of time, and if the machine breaks Ill be there to get you, so dint worry about that possible risk" :3

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