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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would think hard for a second befor giving up * max: I don’t know, what is a ghosts favorite donut? * he said curiesly since he actually hasent Hurd this joke befor *
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

"Boston Scream." She grins.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max laughed at the joke his laugh almost sounded like Seth Rogen a little but he couldent help but hold his gut from the joke * max: that’s a pretty good joke I’ve never Hurd it befor to be honest
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha laughs with him and then prompts another joke, "I'm gonna quit before I'm too far gone, but one more. Why are ghosts bad at keeping secrets?"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: I have no clue why are they * max said with a few chuckles as he enjoyed the simple jokes *
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

"Because you can see right through them." She grins. "No more or I fear I'll be kicked out." She laughs.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would laugh more from the joke as it just made him have a big smile * max: hehe ya you and me both * max said whipping a tear * max: you know your not what i was expecting to be honest
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She laughs, enjoying the moment, and then tilts her head, "What were you expecting?" She curls her tail upward with curiosity.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He quickly made his way to the kitchen in order to make him a hot black and mint tea. He emerged from the kitchen and his hands were almost trembling as he served Evan.

He went to Fumizuki and he leaned in "Fumizuki, would you do me a favor and go sit with that little boy and see if he wants to please?"

"Okie." Fumizuki makes her way over to Evan. "Hewwo."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Natasha Kitty wrote:
She laughs, enjoying the moment, and then tilts her head, "What were you expecting?" She curls her tail upward with curiosity.

Max: I don’t know I guess just someone who is all fancy and proper and what not but turns out that’s not it * he said with a soft tone
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Hums, "Definitely neither of those. Grew up in the streets and a cardboard box home. The life I have now, I've earned it." She said with a sense of pride. "Though I won't turn down a plate of fancy tuna or sushi now a then." She smiles.
Nolegs would then be rolling inside the bar before hopping onto a table, looking bored out of damn mind. "Good day, Everyone."
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Woah! Another kitty! Yay!"
"Hey, I'm not a kitty... well, kinda but I'm just a cat in knight armor."
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Still a kitty! What's your name? I bet its something cool!" He exclaims excitedly.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Natasha Kitty wrote:
Hums, "Definitely neither of those. Grew up in the streets and a cardboard box home. The life I have now, I've earned it." She said with a sense of pride. "Though I won't turn down a plate of fancy tuna or sushi now a then." She smiles.

Max: wow sounds like my life I lived in a shitty home and had to literly do everything by my self and learn seemed my father was a drunk and my mother well she um * he rubbed the back of his head * max: but that’s one of the reasons why I made my van into a dispensary and I perduce moonshine for the bar here you know like those shot jar glasses so I say we have a lot in comeback just I’m not busting tables * max teased a little *
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha listens intently, her gaze drifting to a distant spot. "I wouldn't change it. The challenges we meet. I've got a better today than I could ever hope for." She glances at him with his tease and smiles. "I'm not just busting tables my friend, I seat the guests, serve their drinks, sometimes make them too, and I make their night." She says proudly.
Joot wrote:
"Still a kitty! What's your name? I bet its something cool!" He exclaims excitedly.
"Ehh... My name's Nolegs. It's not all that interesting since I'm a cat with no legs at all."
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Natasha Kitty wrote:
Natasha listens intently, her gaze drifting to a distant spot. "I wouldn't change it. The challenges we meet. I've got a better today than I could ever hope for." She glances at him with his tease and smiles. "I'm not just busting tables my friend, I seat the guests, serve their drinks, sometimes make them too, and I make their night." She says proudly.

Max: Well then how wrong I was but you have a point it may not be exactly what we wanted but it’s what we’ve made it * max said with a soft smile * max: hay how about a drink huh I mean we are at a bar after all
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She nods. "I'll try some of that moonshine, apple flavored?

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