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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"That never stopped Laffey. Or Grozny."
Frostleaf (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"...I have no idea who either if those people are, but I would assume you lot would be old enough regardless."
Nine (played anonymously)

Nine rolled his eyes. "I bet you'd get along with those rebels." He said to Frostleaf. "The resistance from my shatterspace. From New Yoke City."

His expression softened, but he was still pretty mad about the whole thing that was happening at the moment. "Fine, I'll just.. get a.. soda or something." Nine turned to whoever was at the counter and said.
Frostleaf (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I don't even know what city you're talking about, nor do I support any kind of active rebellion."
Frostleaf wrote:
"...I have no idea who either if those people are, but I would assume you lot would be old enough regardless."

Fumizuki thinks for a moment, then realizes that she doesn't actually know how old she is.
Nine (played anonymously)

"New Yoke City, it's a city separated by various districts ran by the Chaos Council." Nine leaned on the counter and looked at Frostleaf. "The Chaos Council are horrible people, hence the rebels trying to rebel against them."
Kyo Kusanagi (played by FictionDragonborn)

Sounds like NESTS to me.
*A Pink dog stepped into the bar, Looking around.*

"Um... Is this place open?"
"Yes, it is open."
Enterprise (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"This place is always open, by the looks of it."
Oh okay, Thanks... *Sits down*
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"As long as this pocket space isnt utterly obliterated, then yes, itll be open!" He smiles
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

The wolf stepped inside with his chest puffed out and his head held high in order to make himself look larger than he actually was, his emo cut slightly glowing in the wind that's there for some reason. He shoots a glare at everyone with his blood red eyes.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish smiles "Drop the glare, its not worth it" he said walking over "What do you want to eat.. need a drink?"
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

"S1L3NC3, 4P3!!!" BloodFang shouted with a growl. "Th1s b4r 1s n0w R3D C04T CL4N t3rr1t0ry. 1 h4v3 c0m3 t0 1nsp3ct 1t."
Torca (played by randomentity777)

Torca transforms into his beast mode. The massive orca/elephant hybrid paws the ground, as if daring this wolf to try him.
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

BloodFang laughed. "H4H! Y0U TH1NK Y0U C4N B34T M3?!?! Such F00L1SH 4rr0g4nc3!!"
Torca (played by randomentity777)

"This place is for everyone. Do not try to claim it for your own."
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Astoria watches onward, her eyes glowing with ethereal power.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Its ok, mother leave it be" he said kneeling down to him "Here" he said, pulling out a lemon bar "Is this enough for you to calm down little one?"

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