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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Slowly losing it lol
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"..." She raised a brow at this person, but nonetheless....ignored them like usual.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel sighed, laying his head down on the counter, now quietly watching everyone as he waited for an employee to serve him.
Polaroid (played by Jooters)

"Well, I'mma goez back homez now, c yaaaa!!!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ciel wrote:
Ciel sighed, laying his head down on the counter, now quietly watching everyone as he waited for an employee to serve him.
Instead of an employee, Azumi proceeded to do this. Fluttering images made of magic paint surrounded Ciel.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel, startled, looked at all the magic paint around him, animated and fluttering.
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Impressive, but....I've seen better."
Fumizuki is snuggled up under a blanket on the sofa.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Astoria sighs tired from work as she plops down on the sofa next to her niece. "So, you're Fumizuki? Nice to meet you!" She smiles.
Fumizuki smiles. "Nice to meet you as well, Auntie."
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

The goddess yawns, hugging her niece lightly. "Do you mind if we share the blanket? it looks warm."
"Okie." Fumizuki adjusts the blanket so it's around Astoria as well. "There we go."
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She smiles, and for the first time in quite a while, the goddess dozes off.
He leaned close and kissed Astoria on the lips and Fumizuki on the top of the head as he finished up cleaning the kitchen.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She murmurs softly in her sleep.
Peristéri (played by 0785)

Peristéri had managed to acquire copious amounts of red wine and was chugging it vigorously in the corner of the bar’s main room. Pure bliss.
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

Suddenly, a meteor strikes into the bar... Only it's not a meteor, it's a wolf stuck in 2004.

"H4H4! 1 H4V3 R3TURN3D!!!"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

I sleep


Congrats, you have woken a sleepy goddess. Achievment Unlocked "Oh no, I am fu-"
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

He bares his fangs, ready to fight.

"Th3y d0n't c4ll m3 BL00DF4NG f0r N0TH1N'!!!"
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She snaps her fingers, his teeth falling out. "Well now they will..."

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