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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Peristéri (played by 0785)

Vitrian Messinius wrote:
"This bar is merely a place for me to relax and unwind. My mission takes me on a search of the surrounding subsector and it's planetary systems."

They were utterly clueless, scratching their head. “i’ll pretend i understood what you said.”
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"They want to relax, like what your doing, calming down and stuff"
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

Peristéri wrote:
They were utterly clueless, scratching their head. “i’ll pretend i understood what you said.”

"I would not expect an entity spat forth from the depths of the Warp to understand such things."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Are you calling them a demon sir?"
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

"If it is not them, then what is causing me to get that familiar tingling feeling that is associated with close proximity to something tainted by the Warp?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"What is, the warp exactly?"
Peristéri (played by 0785)

Peristéri was flabbergasted on how he was aware. “aw, shit,” They dropped their mug partially full of red wine. “don’t tell me you’re gonna try to eradicate me like the rest do. i just do what i got to do maaannn…”
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Theres a no violence rule, and I should be able to take him-"

"Unless he has some ridiculous amount of hax I gotta learn how to bypass-"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Joot walks in, taking a seat and grabbing a book from his satchel... And begins reading it upside down.
Klahadore (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"He's the baker, and more importantly, my son." He said as he stepped out of the kitchen. His guard immediately went up as nt's natural for a father to be prepared for a threat on his child.

Klahadore glanced at Mathius, "Well then.. It is a pleasure to acquaintance you two."

"I assume you also work at this establishment, correct me if I'm wrong?" He raised a brow, pushing his glasses up with his palm again.

"If you are an employee as well, your most expensive red wine would be suitable for my tastes." He stated.

He looked around and then quietly added with a somewhat threatening tone, "Unless.. you do not serve pirates?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish laughed "of course we serve pirates" he said, teleporting next to Klahdore, putting a bottle of wine to his chest "Perhaps drop the tone, Were quite friendly" he said before bowing and returning to his seat
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Spins in her seat once more and strums the bar table lightly as she hums, dancing in her seat.
Klahadore (played anonymously)

Klahadore was quite amazed by the teleportation powers, but not enough to show it, it seemed. "Thank you." He said, before pulling out a black bag filled with Berry (a currency from One Piece, for those who don't know) and placing it on the floor, making a heavy thump against the wood floor. Klahadore pushed his glasses up with his palm one more time and then got to the nearest table and sat down.

He wondered if Wish had consumed devil fruit sometime in his life, with the strange powers he had, but he didn't ask, instead he poured himself a cup of wine.
Klahadore (played anonymously)

(( Aaahhghghh I hope I'm playing Klahadore/Kuro good :') ))
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Also, be kind to the people serving your food-" he said pickling up the cash to throw in the vault-

(Perfectly :3 )
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

Wish wrote:
"What is, the warp exactly?"

"No one is ever quite sure, but it is both a blessing and a curse. It is some sort of interdimensional void through which spacecraft can travel. However, doing so is very hazardous, since the Warp also connects to the realm of Chaos. Those with psychic powers are in danger of warp corruption."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"It sounds interesting.. Id love to see the wild life, I ask you take me sometime" he said smiling
Vitrian Messinius (played by randomentity777)

"It's not that kind of place. And it is one that no one can tread without being corrupted by the taint of Chaos. Be wary of usage of the Warp, lest it start to use you."
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Im made of magic, so Im pretty much easily changed by nature-"
"Besides Im just doing a little studying..-"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Wish wrote:
"Im made of magic, so Im pretty much easily changed by nature-"
"Besides Im just doing a little studying..-"

"You are made of magic as well?", Azumi smiled widely, "it is nice to know that you are a fellow spirit!"

There are only two emotions Azumi could ever muster, annoyance for when she scolds someone and pure, unadulterated, energetically charged happiness.

Then Azumi asked, "Wait, you are easily changed by nature? Huh, how come that never happens to me despite being made of magic?"

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