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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

((XDDDDD pizza roll discovery))
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

He took a bite of one of the pizza rolls and his brow perked a bit "the taste is quite nice. I can see why individuals would enjoy these"

He stood to He feet before he laid his eyes on Fake Peppino. He pointed directly at Peppino "Captain Messinius, he was the one who put them there"

He called out to Peppino "you there. Citizen. We would like to speak to you. Please come speak with us"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Donatos Aphael wrote:
He took a bite of one of the pizza rolls and his brow perked a bit "the taste is quite nice. I can see why individuals would enjoy these"

He stood to He feet before he laid his eyes on Fake Peppino. He pointed directly at Peppino "Captain Messinius, he was the one who put them there"

He called out to Peppino "you there. Citizen. We would like to speak to you. Please come speak with us"

"Uhm... err... okay, let's go." Fake Peppino then proceeds to carry a crate full of unopened pizza rolls
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

Suddenly, the door bursts open as the wolf throws his whole body into it. "GU3SS WH0'S B4CK!!!"
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

((... By UNpopular demand))
Kariko Hotoka (played by Reithesniper)

"Eh?-" she said "I knew we had ninja dogs but your just weird
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

BL00DF4NG wrote:
Suddenly, the door bursts open as the wolf thrws his whole body into it. "GU3SS WH0'S B4CK!!!"

"Guess who will be leaving again if they don't behave like a good dog?" She glares at him.
Kariko Hotoka wrote:
"Eh?-" she said "I knew we had ninja dogs but your just weird

She nods. "Very strange." A second voice can be heard from somewhere around him. "I agree." She smiles. "even shukaku agrees"
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

Kariko Hotoka wrote:
"Eh?-" she said "I knew we had ninja dogs but your just weird

"QU13T, 4P3!!! 1NSULT M3 4G41N 4ND 1'LL SH0W WHY TH3Y C4LL M3 BL00DF4NG!!!"
Kariko Hotoka wrote:
"Guess who will be leaving again if they don't behave like a good dog?" She glares at him.

"1 4M N0T A D0G!!! 1 4M A W0LF, D4MM1T!!! ST0P SP34K1NG T0 M3 L1K3 A CH1LD!!!"
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"good lord, even the way he speaks annoys me..."
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

Oswald Ozzy Brown wrote:
"good lord, even the way he speaks annoys me..."

"Y0U F00L!! TH1S 1S TH3 B3ST F0RM 0F SP33CH 1N TH3 W0RLD!!!"
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

"Now it just irritates ME even MORE!" Ozzy said, now already becoming pissed off and annoyed.
Kariko Hotoka (played by Reithesniper)

Kariko, does her own thing biting her thumb "hes annoying-" she said smearing the blood over her palm
She sighs, encasing the pest in a shell of Iron Sand before crushing it inwards.
Kariko Hotoka (played by Reithesniper)

".." she groans having bit her thumb for virtually no reason
BL00DF4NG (played by Jooters)

"Wh- H-H3Y-" He yelps in pain, yet comes out virtually fine. "RUD3!!!"
Nolegs rolls in. "Mentlegen, what the CENSORED is with all this noise?! Some people is trying to get some GOD DAMN peace and quiet here, you imbeciles!"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"There is no peace and quiet in this godforsaken bar! You should no that by now, kitty witty!"
"Well excuse me, PRINCESS!"

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