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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Astoria Lotus wrote:
She fumes. "I'm going to kill him."

He dashes out of the kitchen and holds her "babe.....please......"

"Max, my wife can do worse than end you. Basically rewrite reality without you in it. She's essentially the reason why Fate's Circle exists. She orchestrated and guided the events that brought us together"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"NOT IF I DO FIRST-" She jumps out in a ski mask and holding a chainsaw- although on closer inspection, it is a plastic toy one
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel quietly walked in, holding a piece of paper and a fountain pen in his hand. He noticed Gekiyaku and the chainsaw, and just assumed she was one of those reapers like Grell was, and he continued to the counter, where he looked at Mathius and held the paper close to him. "Excuse me, I've came here to ask about some business-related things." He told him.
Ciel wrote:
Ciel quietly walked in, holding a piece of paper and a fountain pen in his hand. He noticed Gekiyaku and the chainsaw, and just assumed she was one of those reapers like Grell was, and he continued to the counter, where he looked at Mathius and held the paper close to him. "Excuse me, I've came here to ask about some business-related things." He told him.

"Sure......ask away"
Ciel (played anonymously)

He placed the paper and pen on the counter. "I wanted to know if I could sell some limited edition versions of some of the toys I sell at Funtom, my company, here at the bar."
"I'm not sure how well it will do, but considering the amount of people that arrive here, surely this will at least attract attention to Funtom if nothing else."
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"I hate to break it to you, but Tom is NOT FUN!!"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Astoria Lotus wrote:
She fumes. "I'm going to kill him."

He dashes out of the kitchen and holds her "babe.....please......"

"Max, my wife can do worse than end you. Basically rewrite reality without you in it. She's essentially the reason why Fate's Circle exists. She orchestrated and guided the events that brought us together"

max: i honestly dont have a clue what any of that is but like i said ill take orders from you since your my boss tecnicly and what do you think of the idea i had but without banning magic and instead just not using it for a evning
Ciel (played anonymously)


Ciel turned his head to give a look to Gekiyaku.
"Funtom is a play on the word 'Fun Time' and 'Phantom'. It is not a name." He stated rather flatly to her.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)


She drops to the floor and grabs her head. "Everyoneisagainstmeicanttrustanyonetheentireworldisonlyheretobetraymytrust"
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel stared for a moment, concerned.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

She stands up, hits her head against the nearest wall hard enough to leave a crater, and turns back.

"Okay!!! I'm better now!"
I've seen weirder.
Ciel (played anonymously)


Ciel winced at seeing Gekiyaku hit her head against the wall and she somehow be fine.
He wasn't even going to ask at this point.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

((good choice))
Ciel (played anonymously)

(( LMAO ))
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

"Where'd that wolf thing go?! He was funny..."
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Astoria Lotus wrote:
She fumes. "I'm going to kill him."

He dashes out of the kitchen and holds her "babe.....please......"

"Max, my wife can do worse than end you. Basically rewrite reality without you in it. She's essentially the reason why Fate's Circle exists. She orchestrated and guided the events that brought us together"

She pouts, trying her conceal her blush. “fine…”
Gekiyaku wrote:
She stands up, hits her head against the nearest wall hard enough to leave a crater, and turns back.

"Okay!!! I'm better now!"

A giant metal claw like a toy grabber picks her up by the head. “What’s up with the Sassy child.”

Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

She casually bit the hand with her razor sharp, shark like teeth.
Jacob and Esau (played anonymously)

Cue Jacob and Esau just arguing in the background.

Jacob: "Ugh... Nintendo has CENSORED ruined Mario Kart!"


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