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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Astoria Lotus wrote:
“Both of you, enough. You, Nayuta, stop making threats, and you, Medea, for everyone’s sake, please limit the necromancy in this establishment. I can’t control what you do outside.”

"I suppose its fair.. I guess I understand the idea, preventing arguements I guess"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

max: watch out if you complain more shell end up slapping ya for no reason * max laughed at the two arguing *
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

She glares at max. “ this one was much more understanding, compared to you!”
"Im doing it cause staff asked, Ive basically been the support member my entire life-"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Max wrote:
Claude wrote:
"Hm, I scared the kid even more", Claude said and reached into her pocket for her wallet. The merc pulled out 20 dollars and placed them on the table. "The extra 10 is for you."

max: well hell thanks lady your the first person to give me a tip in this place * he chuckled * max: and na i busted him on what he was doing * he laughed a little more as he would go and get a pint of beer and a large slice as a thanks for the ten dollors and brought it back * max: here ya go i picked the biggest peice for you

"Thanks." Claude immediately went to chow town with the much appreciated huge slice of pizza. She ate swiftly and messy almost like her food was about to run away. Pizza sauce surrounded around her mouth before she grabbed a napkin and wiped it off.
Poquito (played anonymously)

During all this, Poquito had somehow snuck away from out of underneath Claude's table, and was near the counter now, trying to calm himself down and focus on what he had came here for.
Astoria Lotus (played by SoulHeart57)

Poquito wrote:
During all this, Poquito had somehow snuck away from out of underneath Claude's table, and was near the counter now, trying to calm himself down and focus on what he had came here for.

Astoria lightly Taos their shoulder. “Can I help you”
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito jumped, startled, then turned around to look at Astoria. "Uh-"
"No, you, I mean- Yes." Poquito was panicking. Great, he was already messing this whole thing up..
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Throwing away the napkins and returning the plate, Claude decided to grab her pint of beer and walk away to find something to do. I wonder if they play old movies or good music at this bar.
Medea, pulled book (Probably some book of the damned) from nowhere.. he was honestly just reading for his own reasons.. the idea to improve his magic was slipped into his head.. the idea of not just raising bodies but bringing them to life.. the one thing hes really missing in order to do so, is holy magic.. which is something that he cant touch like that..
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Claude wrote:
Throwing away the napkins and returning the plate, Claude decided to grab her pint of beer and walk away to find something to do. I wonder if they play old movies or good music at this bar.

max: hay miss there’s a few gaming stuff I hooked up over in the corner of the bar over there and we have a old school juke box with a tone of albums on it
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino then proceeds to hum to himself as he is in a good mood.
Medea looked at his staff.. "I almost forgot I have you" he said, standing the staff straight up and letting it lean a bit.. "What a nice tool you are" he said.. this probably explains how he knows characters like Madara Uchiha, Dark Samus, Bowser, that staff can definitely open protals to other worlds
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: so your staff is alive then right * he said curiesly *
"No, Its made of mostly wood, but Ive inscribed way to many symbols into it, so its mainly magic" he said "If you want a living staff, go to a witch called Honey, her broom is a part of her subconscious in a way"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: well that sounds sweet am I right * he said chuckleing at the bad pun * max: but cool then if you carved enough stuff on my van would it become magic ?
"Depends on what you want it to do really, I myself may not have the ability to make it do certain things.. like anything holy.. or giving it life-"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: welll could it make me an endless supply of pot? Or like could you make it have crazy amount of speed
"Huh? Who's this person under Auntie's table?"
"Im from over 300 years ago, I dont understand what either of those are.."

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