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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"Oh your both here.." he said "As for teaching the young man, Im not teaching him anything forbidden, cause he'd just be arrested "Im gonna teach him something simple... a simple 'grow plant' spell-"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: wait magic can be illegal? And awsome that can’t be to bad right * he took a second * max: that for shadowing
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Claude wrote:
Claude decides to chug her whole pint of beer and places a little too harsh on the bar counter.

Max: hay miss sorry i never got your name mind just coming over here just in case you seem like someone that can handle something that goes wrong
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"My name is Claude and you?" Claude went to sit on a bar stool. Max was right about her being able to handle something physically if something goes warily. However, she wouldn't do anything unless it deals with her or getting paid to do it.
Max wrote:
Max: wait magic can be illegal? And awesome that can’t be to bad right * he took a second * max: that for shadowing

"Well Necromancy involves reviving the dead, in your case it'd probably take a sacrifice.." he shrugged "Also.. yeah, things like Necromancy and Time magic are illegal, it's something the magic council could deem too dangerous-"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: it’s max the cool cat * he said doing finger guns then stoped * max: ya that was bad but thanks Claude and I’m not even going to ask about the counsal stuff * he chuckled a little * max: but i don’t think im going to do the hole ritual stuff
"Council's basically just the government-" he shrugged "I guess I can teach you a basic float spell, its nothing special just a party trick"
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Max wrote:
Max: wait magic can be illegal? And awsome that can’t be to bad right * he took a second * max: that for shadowing

"And it can be deadly to the user and their targets, depending on who is using it."
"She's correct" he said "How much do you know about magic... or is it just general knowledge here?-" he said... Well Max brought up something about magical shenanigans.. so I guess it might?- he thought
Drael Chizkitch wrote:
"I got something for you, sweet face..."

"Hmm?" Fumizuki perks up, interested at what Drael has.
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Medea the Necromancer wrote:
"She's correct" he said "How much do you know about magic... or is it just general knowledge here?-" he said... Well Max brought up something about magical shenanigans.. so I guess it might?- he thought

"For me, magic works differently. I wouldn't expect you to understand it."
"If you told me how it works I probably could-"
FrostNova (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"We have what are called Arts. It's short for Originium Arts, and that is how we use magic. We tap into the powers of Originium crystals for our powers, and those who are Infected, like me, can use their body's Originium to produce Arts at the cost of our health and lives."
Fumizuki wrote:
Drael Chizkitch wrote:
"I got something for you, sweet face..."

"Hmm?" Fumizuki perks up, interested at what Drael has.

He picked her up and put her in a cute papoose. It had teddy bear ears and was covered by teddy bears.
A papoose?
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

FrostNova wrote:
"We have what are called Arts. It's short for Originium Arts, and that is how we use magic. We tap into the powers of Originium crystals for our powers, and those who are Infected, like me, can use their body's Originium to produce Arts at the cost of our health and lives."

"Fun fact about me," Azumi smirked, as if bragging about this was something worth doing "I am actually made of magic! As a spirit, at least for my kind, I need not fret about doing things most mortals would need to do, like eating! I simply do such things for enjoyment!"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

The talk about magic didn't concern her, so Claude kept quiet. She nursed herself another pint of beer.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max looked like his brain was about to explode from all the magic details and stuff they were talking about * max: I know like classic movie magic like lord of the rings and the hobbit and video game magic
He called Sunny over.. pulling him over
Sunny Bramblestride (played by Reithesniper)

Sunny was a perfect example, they used a magic that could only be used through the use of their wand, "Oh yes.. I use my wand, I normally use Incantation, like the classic movies!"

"For example, my personal magic is wood magic, Arborion!" He said pointing his wand at the ground, causing the wood to move slowly... before becoming a statue, of Medea, a fellow magic user


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