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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha gets to work on cleaning up the tables, wiping them down and returning dishes and cups to the bar top. Humming as she works.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"Yeah? What's your favorite quote you've ever found?"
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

Max: alright now who is this guy i know he’s your boss but what’s he do Mafia gangs that kinda stuff * he said as he would keep the smoke in the van for longer to get more out of poquito *
"Sciocco! Non lo sai? Mafias and gangs are different."
Poquito (played anonymously)

Max wrote:
Max: alright now who is this guy i know he’s your boss but what’s he do Mafia gangs that kinda stuff * he said as he would keep the smoke in the van for longer to get more out of poquito *

Poquito sniffled, "He has a gang, yes."
His voice cracked again, "Can I please go now?" He sobbed, still shaking, and the smoke burning his eyes didn't help his crying.
Oswald Ozzy Brown (played anonymously)

Mono wrote:
"I've always wondered what information could be drawn from the past, so your power interests me. I want to learn all I can about these...humans." The word was unfamiliar, as though he was still testing it out. So, Ozzy, what brings you. Same reason?

"Ehh. No. This hat just leaded me here in case I needed a break from fighting. This isn't no ordinary hat, though. It was some ancient evil trying to revive itself after it tried to posess me. I barely even got affected by it nonetheless." Ozzy shrugs, not even surprised. :/
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"Oh, interesting! You must have some neat- Pardon." Mono's expression tightened as he picked up the cries of Poquito, walking out and toward the van. The sound of crying brought back memories from his time captive because he had learned exactly what caused a humanoid to make that specific noise. "Open up right now and release your captive, or I will rip the door off of this machine and get them myself." He'd say, deadly serious.
"Its a van, calm down new friend.." he said, following out, bringing his staff along with him.. "He tried to steal from the register, to my knowledge Max is just talking with him.."
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito heard Mono speaking, perking his head up, then heard Medea talking.
His heart sunk, worried he'd still have to stay in this smoke filled van with this strange man questioning him.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"But... Mono would say, calming down, He didn't succeed. Why does the man in the van have to bring him to tears? He sounded less indignant and more...confused.
Brats cry when they get caught" he said, before forcing the van open with a little bit of magic, stepped forward before pulling the kid out "If it concerns you so much, you should find a better way to get him without property destruction."
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito was brought out the van by Medea.
The boy was a crying, shaking mess, and didn't know what else to say.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Sits down at a table and enjoys a meal of Dijon crusted salmon over jasmine rice.
"Your alright kid, calm it, your probably gonna get a little less than a slap on the wrist, just wait until the chef returns.. either that or is son will give you an earful
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

Mono looked a tad uncertain, but no longer with bad intentions. "Huh. So it's normal?" He'd say, realizing Medea was giving good advice. He moved closer to the van but instead of touching it he simply asked: "I understand wanting to discourage bad behavior, but dontcha think you've scared em enough? His fear sounds real." He'd say, trying to calm down the likely mad Max (no pun intended). "Thanks, Medea."
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito wiped his tears with his sleeves, "m' Sorry!" He said to Medea."I was just doin' m'job!"
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

Mono looked at Poquito with a discerning expression. "You're not too good at your job." he'd say, sighing. "Try to stay out of trouble around here, ok, kiddo?
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito sniffled, glancing at Mono. "Boss'll be mad if I don't come back with anythin'.." He whined.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"How about this? I will twist your head off of your neck if you attempt anything again." He'd say seriously, before changing to a grin. "That should be enough to placate your boss, yeah?"
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito went to speak, but only a terrified little squeak came out.

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