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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Poquito (played anonymously)

(( Poor Poquito lmao
Since he's arrived here, he has just been traumatized (more than he already is) by the people in the bar XD ))
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

((Mono over here just calmly spitting death threats in an attempt to help him get an excuse lol poor poquito my guy is ever so slightly braindead.))
Max wrote:
max: whoa hay mathius when did we start doing speciles

"We've always had specials..."
Poquito wrote:
Max wrote:
Max: alright now who is this guy i know he’s your boss but what’s he do Mafia gangs that kinda stuff * he said as he would keep the smoke in the van for longer to get more out of poquito *

Poquito sniffled, "He has a gang, yes."
His voice cracked again, "Can I please go now?" He sobbed, still shaking, and the smoke burning his eyes didn't help his crying.

"I got a better would you like to make more money than you'll ever be able to steal?"

"And Max, stop smoking in front of the boy..."
"You know Mono.. you couldve went with him.. or gave him money-" he said, chuckling
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito glanced at Mathius, wiping his tears. "It's not for me."
"It's for my boss." He stated. "He needs it, the.. money.."
Poquito wrote:
Poquito glanced at Mathius, wiping his tears. "It's not for me."
"It's for my boss." He stated. "He needs it, the.. money.."

"Who is your boss?" He spoke kindly. He wiped his hands on his apron
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"He's being taken care of now, it seems. Oh, and what's money?"
"You use money to buy things." Fumizuki spoke up from her rather adorable position with a papoose.
Poquito (played anonymously)

"The Man." He said, once again, being serious and not lying.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"Buy things? Like, they give you stuff in return for it? Also, what's your name?"
Poquito wrote:
"The Man." He said, once again, being serious and not lying.

"I see. Would you like a new boss? One that won't hurt you?"
Mono wrote:
"Buy things? Like, they give you stuff in return for it? Also, what's your name?"

Fumizuki nods. "I'm Fumizuki."
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"Nice to meet you. He'd say, walking over to where Poquito and Mathius spoke. "Hey. You seem like a nice kid, really. I don't want to see you hurt and I don't even really know ya. I'd take the offer."
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito looked at Mathius with a soft look, then he thought about Steve, and would be upset if he couldn't see him.
He shook his head no. "I can't, I'm sorry. I'msosorry-" Poquito stood up and was getting ready to run off.
He held Fumizuki in her cute teddy bear papoose and he was simply enjoying a mug of apple juice. Except it looked more like a child's toy bucket given Drael's size.
Poquito wrote:
Poquito looked at Mathius with a soft look, then he thought about Steve, and would be upset if he couldn't see him.
He shook his head no. "I can't, I'm sorry. I'msosorry-" Poquito stood up and was getting ready to run off.


He sighed and he went into his pocket and he retrieved all the cash he hand and he handed it to the boy "I'm giving you this so I don't have to kill your boss... next time, I'm gonna put you to work and having you be Natasha's assistant"
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

Mono sighed and turned away, no longer intent on interfering. Plodding his way back to Fumizuki, he then realized she was suspended by something. That something was worn by someone. A big man even Mono had to look up to speak to. "Hello! Your daughter is nice! Who are you?" Yes, that was what passed for a compliment in his mind, a compliment indeed.
Poquito (played anonymously)

Poquito stopped, looked at the cash for a moment.
Then he shakily grabbed it. "Okay.." He looked at it.

He unbuttoned his white jacket, putting the cash in a inside pocket, and if looked at close, there was a diamond-shaped hole in his black shirt that showed a strange, star-like tattoo on his chest. It was quick to miss, since Poquito after putting the money away, quickly buttoned the jacket back up. "I'm so sorry." He apologized yet again, and it felt really sincere and like he meant it.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Perks her ears up and turns, mid-dusting as she was reaching for a cobweb and standing on her toes to try and reach it.

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